Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 81.djvu/718

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[81 STAT. 684]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[81 STAT. 684]


PUBLIC LAW 90-222-DEC. 23, 1967

[81 STAT.

limitation agencies governed with the participation of the poor and other residents of the neighborhoods or rural areas served, educational institutions, the public employment service, the public welfare agency, other health and welfare agencies, private training institutions, and other capable public and private organizations. " (d) The prime sponsor and delegate agencies shall provide for participation of residents of the area and members of the groups served in the planning, conduct, and evaluation of the comprehensive work and training program and its components. Such persons shall be provided maximum employment opportunity in the conduct of component programs, including opportunity for further occupational training and career advancement. "(e) The Director shall prescribe regulations to assure that programs under this part have adequate internal administrative controls, accounting requirements, personnel standards, evaluation procedures, and other policies as may be necessary to promote the effective use of funds. "ELIGIBLE Work and training programs.

Concentrated employment program.


"SEC. 123. (a) The Director may provide financial assistance in urban and rural areas for comprehensive work and training programs or components of such programs, including the following: "(1) programs to provide part-time employment, on-the-job training, and useful work experience for students from lowincome families who are in the ninth through twelfth grades of school (or are of an age equivalent to that of students in such grades) and who are in need of the earnings to permit them to resume or maintain attendance in school; " (2) programs to provide unemployed, underemployed, or lowincome persons (aged sixteen and over) with useful work and training (which must include sufficient basic education and institutional or on-the-job training) designed to assist those persons to develop their maximum occupational potential and to obtain regular competitive employment; "(3) special programs which involve work activities directed to the needs of those chronically unemployed poor who have poor employment prospects and are unable, because of age, lack of employment opportunity, or otherwise, to secure appropriate employment or training assistance under other programs, and which, in addition to other services provided, will enable such persons to participate in projects for the betterment or beautification of the community or area served by the program, including without limitation activities which will contribute to the management, conservation, or development of natural resources, recreational areas. Federal, State, and local government parks, highways, and other lands; "(4) special programs which provide unemployed or low-income persons with jobs leading to career opportunities, including new types of careers, in programs designed to improve the physical, social, economic, or cultural condition of the community or area served in fields including without limitation health, education, welfare, neighborhood redevelopment, and public safety, which provide maximum prospects for advancement and continued employment without Federal assistance, which give promise of contributing to the broader adoption of new methods of structuring jobs and new methods of providing job ladder opportunities, and which provide opportunities for further occupational training to facilitate career advancement; " (5) special programs which concentrate work and training resources in urban and rural areas having large concentrations or