Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 81.djvu/755

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[81 STAT. 721]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[81 STAT. 721]




"SEC. 638. As used in this part, 'programs related to this xict' and 'coordination' shall include the programs and actions described in this section: "(1) 'Programs related to this Act' include programs under this Act and all Federal or federally assisted programs which have objectives which are, in whole or substantial part, complementary to the purposes of this Act, or which provide resources which may be used in combination with resources under this Act to assist in achieving any of the purposes of this Act. "(2) 'Coordination' includes, but is not limited to— " (A) actions to improve the common effectiveness of programs in reaching and serving the poor, such as actions: to extend services to new areas, provide them in a common place, or structure them so that they are more readily accepted or widely utilized; to eliminate procedures or requirements that may be inappropriate for or result in unnecessary hardship to disadvantaged persons with limited education or other special handicaps; to establish common eligibility standards among programs serving substantially similar groups or operating in the same areas; or to develop methods of operation or administration that will provide new employment incentives or opportunities for the poor; " (B) actions to promote better use at the State or local level of Federal assistance available under diverse programs, such as actions to establish procedures for cooperation among State or local agencies seeking assistance from different Federal sources with a view to eliminating unnecessary duplication and service gaps and promoting common or complementary priorities; or to modify or improve technical or administrative requirements imposed by different Federal agencies that may operate to increase unnecessarily the burdens of State or local agencies, minimize their opportunities for the imaginative use of Federal assistance, or discourage their cooperation with one 'another; " (C) actions to promote simplification and efficiencies through the joint or combined use of Federal resources, such as actions to develop new methods of processing requests for assistance or granting assistance that will enable Federal agencies more generally to use resources jointly in support of common objectives; to establish common priorities for purposes of program planning, research and demonstration activities; and to effect combinations among or redirect Federal programs or activities for the purpose of eliminating unnecessary duplication; " (D) actions to improve communication and general cooperation, such as actions to strengthen ties among regional offices of different Federal agencies and among such offices and other regional agencies or organizations; to develop and improve procedures by which Federal agencies may act together in promulgating or making available items of information, including information as to the availability and allocation of funds, which are closely related to one another for purposes of State or local planning and budgeting; or to develop procedures by which State and local agencies may be afforded new opportunities to participate in Federal policy decisions, including decisions on recommended legis-