Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 81.djvu/795

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[81 STAT. 761]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[81 STAT. 761]


PUBLIC LAW 90-235-JAN. 2, 1968



" (b) When oflScers of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard are on duty in the same area, field, command, or organization and two or more commissioned officers of different services, who are otherwise eligible to command, have the same grade or corresponding grades, the President may assign the command without regard to rank in that grade."; and (B) by adding the following new items at the end of the analysis: "747. Command: when different commands of Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard join. "749. Command: commissioned oflBcers in same grade or corresponding grades on duty at same place."

(2) Sections 3576, 3578, 5954, 8576, and 8578 are repealed. (3) The analysis of chapter 345 is amended by striking out the following items:

foAStat. 70A Stat.


"3.576. Command: when differeMt commands of Army and Marine Corps join. "3578. Command: commissioned officers of Army in same grade on duty at same place."

(4) The analysis of chapter 551 is amended by striking out the following item: "•59.54. Command: when different commands of Marine Corps and Army or Air Force join."

(5) The analysis of chapter 845 is amended by striking out the following items: "8576. Command: when different commands of Air Force and Marine Corps join. " *


"8578. Command: commissioned officers of Air Force in same grade on duty at same place."

(b) Title 10, United States Code, is amended as follows: (1) Sections 5941,5950, and 5953 are repealed. (2) The analysis of chapter 551 is amended by striking out the following items:


"5941. Assignment to command: regulations. « *


"5950. Exemption from Supply Corps duties. "59-53. Executive officer: assignment; authority." MISCELLANEOUS PROHIBITIONS A N D PENALTIES

SEC. 6. (a) Title 10, United States Code, is amended as follows: (1) Section 971 is amended by inserting the designation " (a) " before the words "The period of and adding the following newsubsection: ";(b) In computing length of service for any purpose— (1) no officer of the Navy or Marine Corps may be credited with service as a midshipman at the I ^ i t e d States Naval Academy or as a cadet at the United States Military Academy, United States Air Force Academy, or United States Coast Guard Academy, if he was appointed as a midshipman or cadet after March 4, 1913; and "(2) no commissioned officer of the Army or Air Force may be credited with service as a midshipman at the United States Naval Academy or as a cadet at the United States Military Academy, United States Air Force Academy, or United States Coast Guard Academy, if he was appointed as a midshipman or cadet after August 24, 1912." (2) Sections 3682, 6116, and 8682 are repealed. ^ '




72 Stat. 1442.

Repeals. 70A Stat. 210.