Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 81.djvu/887

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[81 STAT. 853]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[81 STAT. 853]

81 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 90-248-JAN. 2, 1968


blood (or equivalent quantities of packed red blood cells, as so defined) furnished an individual shall be deemed replaced when the provider of services is given one pint of blood for each pint of blood (or equivalent quantities of packed red blood cells, as so defined) furnished such individual with respect to which a deduction is imposed under section 1813(a)(2)." ^"'^' P- ^^2(c) Section 1833(b) of such Act (as amended by sections 129(c)(7) and 131(b) of this Act) is amended by adding at the end thereof the g^"^^- ^^' ^'*^' following new sentence: "The total amount of the expenses incurred by an individual as determined under the preceding sentence shall, after the reduction specified in such sentence, be further reduced by an amount equal to the expenses incurred for the first three pints of whole blood (or equivalent quantities of packed red blood cells, as defined under regulations) furnished to the mdividual during the calendar year, except that such deductible for such blood shall in accordance with regulations be appropriately reduced to the extent that there has been a replacement of such blood (or equivalent quantities of packed red blood cells, as so defined); and for such purposes blood (or equivalent quantities of packed red blood cells, as so defined) furnished such individual shall be deemed replaced when the institution or other person furnishing such blood (or such equivalent quantities of packed red blood cells, as so defined) is given one pint of blood for each pint of blood (or equivalent quantities of packed red blood cells, as so defined) furnished such individual with respect to which a deduction is made under this sentence." (d) The amendments made by this section shall apply with respect to payment for blood (or packed red blood cells) furnished an individual after December 31, 1967. E N R O L L M E N T U N D E R S U P P L E M E N T A R Y MEDICAL INSURANCE BASED O N ALLEGED DATE OF A T T A I N I N G AGE 6 5


SEC. 136. (a) Section 1837(d) of the Social Security Act is amended goltaJr^ioS'^' by adding at the end thereof the following new sentence: "Where the 42 USC 1395p. Secretary finds that an individual who has attained age 65 failed to enroll under this part during his initial enrollment period (based on a determination by the Secretary of the month in which such individual attained age 65), because such individual (relying on documentary evidence) was mistaken as to his correct date of birth, the Secretary shall establish for such individual an initial enrollment period based on his attaining age 65 at the time shown in such documentary evidence (wuth a coverage period determined under section 1838 as though he had attained such age at that time)." (b) The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply to individuals enrolling under part B of title X VIII in months beginning 1395^^^ ^^^^' after the date of the enactment of this Act. E X T E N S I O N BY 6 0 DAYS D U R I N G I N D IV I D U A L ' S L I F E T I M E O F MAXIMUM DURATION OF B E N E F I T S FOR I N P A T I E N T H O S P I T A L SERVICES

SEC. 137. (a)(1) Section 1812(a)(1) of the Social Security Act is amended by striking out "up to 90 days during any spell of illness" and inserting in lieu thereof "up to 150 days during any spell of illness minus 1 day for each day of inpatient hospital services in excess of 90 received during any preceding spell of illness (if such individual was entitled to have payment for such services made under this part unless he specifies in accordance with regulations of the Secretary that he does not desire to have such payment made)". (2) Section 1812(b)(1) of such Act is amended by striking out "for 90 days during such spell" and inserting in lieu thereof "for 150 days

42 USC 1395d.