Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 81.djvu/922

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[81 STAT. 888]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[81 STAT. 888]


PUBLIC LAW 90-248-JAN. 2, 1968 "RULES

[81 STAT.


"SEC. 439. The Secretary may issue such rules and regulations as he finds necessary to carry out the purposes of this part: Provided, That in developing policies for programs established by this part the Secretary shall consult with the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. "ANNUAL


"SEC. 440. The Secretary shall annually report to the Congress (with the first such report being made on or before July 1, 1970) on the work incentive programs established by this part. a EVALUATION A N D RESEARCH

"SEC. 441. The Secretary shall (jointly with the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare) provide for the continuing evaluation of the work incentive programs established by this part, including their effectiveness in achieving stated goals and their impact on other related programs. H e also may conduct research regarding ways to increase the effectiveness of such programs. He may, for this purpose, contract for independent evaluations of and research regarding such programs or individual projects under such programs. For purposes of sections 435 and 443, the costs of carrying out this section shall not be regarded as costs of carrying out work incentive programs established by this part. "REVIEW or SPECIAL WORK PROJECTS BY A STATE PANEL

"SEC. 442. (a) The Secretary shall make an agreement with any State which is able and willing to do so under which the Governor of the State will create oniB or more panels to review applications tentatively approved by the Secretary for the special work projects in such State to be established by the Secretary under the program established by section 432(b)(3). "(b) Each such panel shall consist of not more than five and not less than three members, appointed by the Governor. The members shall include one representative of employers and one representative of employees; the remainder shall be representatives of the general public. No special work project under such program developed by the Secretary pursuant to an agreement under section 433(e)(1) shall, in any State which has an agreement under this section, be established or maintained under such program unless such project has first been approved by a panel created pursuant to this section. a COLLECTION O F STATE SHARE

42 USC 602. 42 USC 604.

60? TiSz^u'sa 1383, 1396b. ' Post. p. 890.

"SEC. 443. If a non-Federal contribution of 20 per centum of the costs of the work incentive programs established by this part is not made in any State (as specified in section 402(a)), the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare may withhold any action under section 404 because of the State's failure to comply substantially with a provision required by section 402. If the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare does withhold such action, he shall, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the appropriate State agency or agencies, withhold any payments to be made to the State under sections 3(a), 403(a), 1003(a), 1403(a), 1603(a), and 1903(a) until the amouut SO withheld (including any amounts contributed by the State pursuant to the requirement in section 402(a) (19)(C)) equals 20 per centum of the costs of such work incentive programs. Such withholding shall remain in effect until such time as tlije Secretary has assur-