Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 81.djvu/943

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[81 STAT. 909]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[81 STAT. 909]



PUBLIC LAW 90-248-JAN. 2, 1968

or such an agency, a board, representative of the professions and institutions concerned with care of chronically ill and infirm aged patients and established to c any out the purposes of this section. "(c) I t shall be the function and duty of such agency or board to— "(1) develop, impose,-and enforce standards which must be met by individuals in order to receive a license as a nursing home administrator, which standards shall be designed to insure that nursing home administrators will he individuals who are of good character and are otherwise suitable, and who, by training or experience in the field of institutional administration, are qualified to serve as nursing home administrators; "(2) develop and apply appropriate techniques, including examinations and investigations, for determining whether an individual meets such standards; "(3) issue licenses to individuals determined, after the application of such techniques, to meet such standards, and revoke or suspend licenses previously issued by the board in any case where the individual holding any svich license is determined substantially to have failed to conform to the requirements of such standards; "(4) establish and carry out procedures designed to insure that individuals licensed as nursing home administrators will, during any period that they serve as such, comply with the requirements of such standards; "(5) receive, investigate, and take appropriate action with respect to, any charge or complaint filed with the board to the effect that any individual licensed as a nursing home administrator has failed to comply with the requirements of such standards; and "(6) conduct a continuing study and investigation of nursing homes and administrators of nursing homes within the State with a view to the improvement of the standards imposed for the licensing of such administrators and of procedures and methods for the enforcement of such standards with respect to administrators of nursing homes who have been licensed as such. " (d) No State shall be considered to have failed to comply with the provisions of section 1902(a) (29) because the agency or board of such State (established pursuant to subsection (b)) shall have granted any waiver, with respect to any individual who during all of the calendar year immediately preceding the calendar year in which the requirements prescribed in section 1902(a) (29) are first met by the State, has served as a nursing home administrator, of any of the standards developed, imposed, and enforced by such board pursuant to subsection (b)(1) other than such standards as relate to good character or suitability if— " (1) such waiver is for a period which ends after being in effect for two years or on June 30, 1972, whichever is earlier, and "(2) there is provided in the State (during all of the period for which waiver is in effect), a program of training and instruction designed to enable all individuals, with respect to whom any such waiver is granted, to attain the qualifications necessary in order to meet such standards. "(e)(1) There are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 1968 and the four succeeding fiscal years such sums as may be necessary to enable the Secretary to make grants to States for the purpose of assisting them in instituting and conducting programs of training and instruction of the type referred to in subsection (d)(2). "(2) No grant with respect to any such program shall exceed 75 per centum of the reasonable and necessary cost, as determined by the Secretary, of instituting and conducting such program.


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