Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 81.djvu/960

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[81 STAT. 926]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[81 STAT. 926]


PUBLIC LAW 90-248-JAN. 2, 1968 ii

[81 STAT.


"SEC. 508. (a) I n order to help reduce the incidence of mental retardation and other handicapping conditions caused by complications associated with childbearing and to help reduce infant and maternal mortality, the Secretary is authorized to make, from the sums available under clause (B) of paragraph (1) of section 502, grants to the State health agency of any State and, with the consent of such agency, to the health agency of any political subdivision of the State, and to any other public or nonprofit private agency, institution, or organization, to pay not to exceed 75 percent of the cost (exclusive of general agency overhead) of any project for the provision of— "(1) necessary health care to prospective mothers (including, after childbirth, health care to mothers and their infants) who have or are likely to have conditions associated with childbearing or are in circumstances which increase the hazards to the health of the mothers or their infants (including those which may cause physical or mental defects in the infants), or "(2) necessary health care to infants during their first year of life who have any condition or are in circumstances which increase the hazards to their health, or "(3) family planning services, but only if the State or local agency determines that the recipient will not otherwise receive such necessary health care or services because he is from a low-income family or for other reasons beyond his control. Acceptance of family planning services provided under a project under this section (and section 512) shall be voluntary on the part of the individual to whom such services are offered and shall not be a prerequisite to the eligibility for or the receipt of any service under such project. "(b) No grant may be made under this section for any project for any period after June 30, 1972. " S P E C I A L P R O J E C T GRANTS FOR HEALTH OF SCHOOL AND PRESCHOOL CHILDREN

"SEC. 509, (a) In order to promote the health of children and youth of school or preschool age, particularly in areas with concentrations of low-income families, the Secretary is authorized to make, from the sums available under clause (B) of paragraph (1) of section 502, grants to the State health agency of any State and (with the consent of such agency) to the health agency of any political subdivision of the State, to the State agency of the State administering or supervising the administration of the State plan approved under section 505, to any school of medicine (with appropriate participation by a school of dentistry), and to any teaching hospital affiliated with such a school, to pay not to exceed 75 percent of the cost of projects of a comprehensive nature for health care and services for children and youth of school age or for preschool children (to help them prepare to start school). No project shall be eligible for a grant under this section unless it provides (1) for the coordination of health care and services provided under it with, and utilization (to the extent feasible) of, other State or local health, welfare, and education programs for such children, (2) for payment of the reasonable cost (as determined in accordance with standards approved by the Secretary) of inpatient hospital services provided under the