Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/1049

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[82 STAT. 1007]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 1007]

82 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 90-574-OCT. 15, 1968


propriate burden that impedes their important work, and better serves the interests of the public. " (b) I t is the purpose of this part to help prevent and control alcoholism through authorization of Federal aid in the construction and staffing of facilities for the prevention and treatment of alcoholism. "(c) The Congress further declares that, in addition to the funds provided for under this part, other Federal legislation providing for Federal or federally assisted research, prevention, treatment, or rehabilitation programs in the fields of health should be utilized to help eradicate alcoholism as a major health problem. li



"SEC. 241. (a) Grants from appropriations under section 261 may be made for projects for construction of any facilities (including post-hospitalization treatment facilities) for the prevention and treatment of alcoholism, but only to a public or nonprofit private agency or organization and only upon an application (1) which meets the requirements for approval under clauses (1) through (5) and clauses (A) and (B) of section 205(a), and (2) which contains— " (A) a showing of the need, in the area to be served by the applicant, for special facilities for the inpatient or outpatient treatment, or both, of alcoholism; " (B) satisfactory assurance that the services for prevention and treatment of alcoholism to be provided through the facility to be constructed, alone or in conjunction with other facilities owned or operated by the applicant or affiliated or associated or having an arrangement with the applicant, will be part of a program providing, principally for persons residing in or near the particular community or communities in which such facility is situated, at least those essential elements of comprehensive mental health services and services for the prevention and treatment of alcoholism, including post-institutional aftercare and rehabilitation, that are prescribed by the Secretary; " (C) satisfactory assurance that the application has been approved and recommended by the single State agency designated by the State as being the agency primarily responsible for care and treatment of alcoholics m the State, and, in case this agency is different from the agency designated pursuant to section 204(a)(1), a showing that the application has also been approved and recommended by the agency designated pursuant to section 204(a)(1), and, in case neither of these is the State mental health authority, a showing that the application has been approved and recommended by such authority; " (D) a showing that under regulations of the Secretary prescribing the manner of determining priorities the project is entitled to priority over other projects for treatment of alcoholism, if any, within the State, and is in accordance with such criteria, including the willingness and ability to provide satisfactory alternatives to custodial care, as the Secretary may determine to be appropriate for purposes of this section; and " (E) a showing that adequate provision has been made for compliance with regulations of the Secretary prescribed under section 203(4) relating to furnishing needed services for persons unable to pay therefor and for compliance with State standards for operation and maintenance. " (b) The amount of any such grant with respect to any project shall be such percentage of the cost thereof, but not in excess of 66% per centum, as the Secretary may determine.

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77 Stat. 292. Ipjifc^auonf conditions for approval.

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