Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/1114

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[82 STAT. 1072]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 1072]


PUBLIC LAW 90-576-OCT. 16, 1968

[82 STAT.


"SEC. 121. From the sums made available for grants under this part pursuant to sections 102 and 103, the Commissioner is authorized to make grants to States to assist them in conducting vocational education programs for persons of all ages in all communities of the States, which are designed to insure that education and training programs for career vocations are available to all individuals who desire and need such education and training. a USES OF FEDERAL

76 Stat. 2 3. 42 USC 2571

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"SEC. 122. (a) Grants to States under this part may be used, in accordance with State plans approved pursuant to section 123, for the following purposes: "(1) vocational education programs for high school students, including such programs which are designed to prepare them for advanced or highly skilled postsecondary vocational and technical education; "(2) vocational education for persons who have completed or left high school and who are available for study in preparation for entering the labor market; "(3) vocational education for persons (other than persons who are receiving training allowances under the Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962 (Public Law 87-115), the Area Redevelopment Act (Public Law 87-27), or the Trade Expansion -^^^ ^^ ^^^^ (Public Law 87-794)) who have already entered the labor market and who need training or retraining to achieve stability or advancement in employment; "(^) i-^) vocational education for persons (other than handicapped persons defined in section 108(6)) who have academic, socioeconomic, or other handicaps that prevent them from succeeding in the regular vocational education program; " (B) vocational education for handicapped persons who because of their handicapping condition cannot succeed in the regular vocational education program without special educational assistance or who require a modified vocational education program; "(5) construction of area vocational education school facilities; "(6) vocational guidance and counseling designed to aid persons enumerated in paragraphs (1) through (4) of this subsection in the selection of, and preparation for, employment in all vocational areas; "(7) provision of vocational training through arrangements with private vocational training institutions where such private institutions can make a significant contribution to attaining the objectives of the State plan, and can provide substantially equivalent training at a lesser cost, or can provide equipment or services not available in public institutions; and "(8) ancillary services and activities to assure quality in all vocational education programs, such as teacher training and supervision, program evaluation, special demonstration and experimental programs, development of instructional materials, and improved State administration and leadership, including periodic evaluation of State and local vocational education programs and services in light of information regarding current and projected manpower needs and job opportunities.