Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/1282

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[82 STAT. 1240]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 1240]


PUBLIC LAW 90-620-OCT. 22, 1968

[82 STAT.

ten days, and a temporary appointment, designation, or assignment of another officer may not be made except to fill a vacancy happening during a recess of the Senate. § 305. Public Printer: employees; pay The Public Printer may employ journeymen, apprentices, laborers, and other persons necessary for the work of the Government Printing Office at rates of wages and salaries, including compensation for night and overtime work, he considers for the interest of the Government and just to the persons employed, except as otherwise provided by this section. H e may not employ more persons than the necessities of the public work require nor more than two hundred apprentices at one time. The minimum pay of journeymen printers, pressmen, and bookbinders employed in the Government Printing Office shall be at the rate of 90 cents an hour for the time actually employed. E x cept as provided by the preceding part of this section the rate of wages, including compensation for night and overtime work, for more than ten employees of the same occupation shall be determined by a conference between the Public Printer and a committee selected by the trades affected, and the rates and compensation so agreed upon shall become effective upon approval by the Joint Committee on Printing. When the Public Printer and the committee representing a trade fail to agree as to wages, salaries, and compensation, either party may appeal to the Joint Committee on Printing, and the decision of the Joint Committee is final. The wages, salaries, and compensation so determined are not subject to change oftener than once a year. §306. Public Printer: employment of skilled workmen; trial of skill The Public Printer shall employ workmen who are thoroughly skilled in their respective branches of industry, as shown by trial of their skill under his direction. § 307. Public Printer: night work The Public Printer shall cause the public printing in the Government Printing Office to be done at night as well as through the day, when the exigencies of the public service require it. §308. Disbursing officer; continuation and settlement of accounts during vacancy in office; responsibility for accounts; disbursements for Superintendent of Documents (a) Upon the death, resignation, or separation from office of the disbursing officer of the Government Printing Office, his accounts may be continued, and payments and collections may be made in his name, by the deputy disbursing officer or officers designated by the Public Printer, for a period of time not to extend beyond the last day of the second month following the month in which his death, resignation, or separation occurred. Accounts and payments shall be allowed, audited, and settled, and checks signed in the name of the former disbursing officer by a deputy disbursing officer shall be honored in the same manner as if the former disbursing officer had continued in office. (b) A former disbursing officer of the Government Printing Office, his estate, or the surety on his official bond, may not be subject to any legal liability or penalty for the official accounts or defaults of a deputy disbursing officer acting in the name or in the place of the former disbursing officer. Each deputy disbursing officer is responsible for accounts entrusted to him under subsection (a) of this section, and the deputy disbursing officer and the sureties upon his bond are liable for any default occurring during his service under subsection (a) of this section.