Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/1330

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[82 STAT. 1288]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 1288]


48 Stat. 1122; 64 Stat. 590.

PUBLIC LAW 90-620-OCT. 22, 1968

[82 STAT.

with the National Archives of the United States to public or educational institutions or associations; title to the records to remain vested in the United States unless otherwise authorized by Congress; and (4) transfer materials from private sources authorized to be received by the xVdministrator by section 3106 of this title. § 2104. Responsibility for custody, use, and withdrawal of records The Administrator of General Services shall be responsible for the custody, use, and withdrawal of records transferred to him. When records, the use of which is subject to statutory limitations and restrictions, are so transferred, permissive and restrictive statutory provisions with respect to the examination and use of records applicable to the head of the agency from which the records were transferred or to employees of that agency are applicable to the Administrator, the Archivist of the United States, and to the employees of the General Services Administration, respectively. When the head of an agency states in writing restrictions that appear to him to be necessary or desirable in the public interest on the use or examination of records being considered for transfer from his custody to the Administrator, the Administrator shall impose the restrictions on the records so transferred, and may not remove or relax the restrictions without the concurrence in writing of the head of the agency from which the material was transferred, or of his successor in function, if any. Statutory and other restrictions referred to in this section shall remain in force until the records have been in existence for fifty years unless the Administrator by order determines as to specific bodies of records that the restrictions shall remain in force for a longer period. Restriction on the use or examination of records deposited with the National Archives of the United States imposed by section 3 of the National Archives Act, approved June 19, 1934, shall continue in force regardless of the expiration of the tenure of office of the official who imposed them but may be removed or relaxed by the Administrator with the concurrence in writing of the head of the agency from which material was transferred or of his successor in function, if any. § 2105. Preservation, arrangement, duplication, exhibition of records The Administrator of General Services shall provide for the preservation, arrangement, repair and rehabilitation, duplication and reproduction (including microcopy publications), description, and exhibition of records or other documentary material transferred to him as may be needful or appropriate, including the preparation and publication of inventories, indexes, catalogs, and other finding aids or guides to facilitate their use. He may also prepare guides and other finding aids to Federal records and, when approved by the National Historical Publications Commission, publish such historical works and collections of sources as seem appropriate for printing or otherwise recording at the public expense. § 2106. Servicing records The Administrator of General Services shall provide and maintain facilities he considers necessary or desirable for servicing records in his custody that are not exempt from examination by statutory or other restrictions. § 2107. Material accepted for deposit When the Administrator of General Services considers it to be in the public interest he may accept for deposit— (1) the papers and other historical materials of a President or former President of the United States, or other official or