Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/1422

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[82 STAT. 1380]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 1380]


PRIVATE LAW 90-215-MAY 4, 1968

56 Stat. 1091-

[82 STAT.

of Columbia and which is owned by the B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky Foundation, an agency of B'nai B'rith, and (2) any improvements on such real property and any furnishings in such improvements, shall be exempt from all taxation so long as (A) the real property is owned and occupied by B'nai B'rith or any of its agencies and is not used for commercial purposes, and (B) the provisions of sections 2, 3, and 5 of the Act entitled "An Act to define the real property exempt from taxation in the District of Columbia", approved December 24, 1942 (D.C. Code, secs. 47-801b, 47-801c, and 47-801e) are complied with. SEC. 2. This Act shall apply with respect to taxable years beginning after June 30, 1968. Approved April 29, 1968.

Private Law 90-215 May 4, 1968 [S. 10]

Vessel, Delight. 49 Stat. 46 USC 46 USC

Ocean 442. 883. 11.

AN ACT To siuthorize iiiul direct the Secretary of the Treasury to cause the vessel Ocean Delight, owned by Saul Zwecker, of Port (^lyde, Maine, to be documented as a vessel of the United States with coastwise privileges.

Be If. en<iefed by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, notwithstanding the provisions of section 27 of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920 and the provisions of section 4132 of the Revised Statutes as amended the Secretary of the Department in which the Coast Guard is operating shall cause the vessel Ocean Delight, built in Meteghan, Nova Scotia, and now owned by Port Clyde Packing Co., Inc., of Port Clyde, Maine, to be documented as a vessel of the United States, upon compliance with the usual requirements, to engage in the coastwise trade and the fisheries, so long as such vessel is owned by a citizen of the United States. Approved May 4, 1968.

Private Law 90-216 May 4, 1968 [S. 1093]

AN ACT To authorize the use of the vessel Annie B. in the coastwise trade.

Be it enacted by the Senate and Floum of Representatives of the /Vessel Annie B. i/fiifgd States of Americtt in Congress asseniNed, That, notwithstand49 Stat. 442. ing the provisions of section 27 of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920 46 USC 883. and the provisions of section 4132 of the Revised Statutes as amended 46 USC 11. the vessel Annie B., owned by William M. Fifield of Stonington, Maine, may be used in the coastwise trade so long as such vessel is owned by a citizen of the United States and so long as it is used for the transportation of bait and supplies for the lobster and crab fisheries within the State of Maine. Approved May 4, 1968.

Private Law 90-217 May 11, 1968 [H. R. 2434]

Nora A. Hendrickson.

AN ACT For the relief of Nora Austin Hendrickson.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, notwith-