Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/1794

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[82 STAT. 1752]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 1752]


LAWS AFFECTED IN VOLUME 82 TABLE 5(a).—Positive Law Titles of United States Code

(The following titles of the U.S. Code have been enacted into positive law: Titles 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 28, 32, 35, 37, 38, 39, and 44.) Provisions affected Title



Amendatory provisions 82 Stat.


291 38 127 166 224, 225 362, 365 453 498, 541, 545, 581, 589 879 1358 598, 599 721 1178 768 1312 1178 757, 760 756, 760 1312, 1315 1312 598, 599 319 813 598, 599 756, 760 1313 278 791 115, 116 684, 685 38 127 224, 225 362, 365 453 498 869 1294 1358 1201 236 366, 367 367

5314(45) 5314(53) 5315(14)-(16).-

236 1314 1312

101-8913 101-8913 101-8913 101-8913 101-8913 101-8913 101-8913

101-8913 101-8913

551 et seq 551-559 551-559 554, 556, 557... 559 701-706 2105(a)(1)(F)... 2108 2108(3)(D) 3102(a)(2) 3105 3108 3320 3344 3502 3502(a), (A)-(C) 3502(a)(C) 3551

5101 et seq 5101 et seq 5101-5115 5101-5115 5101-5115 5101-5115 5101-5115 5101-5115 5101-5115 5101-5115 5101-5115 5102(c) (27) 5313 5313(19)

Public Law

90-381 90-259 90-313 90-321 90-351 90-407 90-438 90-448



3 204(c) 2(1), (4) 406(a) 804(e)(1)(A), (k) 2, 12(a) 110(c)(3), 802 (bb)(4), 808, 1318(a), 1377

Amendment. Partial exception. Do. Do. Do. Partial exceptions; applicability. Partial exception. Do.

90-526 90-637 90-448

2(d) 4(a)(6) 1416(b), 1422

Do. Do. Applicability.

90-481 90-602 90-487 90-623 90-602 90-486

Do. Do. Exception. Amendment. Applicability. Addition.


3(d) 2(3) 1 1(1) 2(3) 4(l)-(3), 11 2(1), 11


1(2), 6(d)

90-623 90-448

1(3) 1416(a), 1422

Do. Applicability.

90-392 90-494 90-448

14 1416(a), 1422

Exception. Do. Applicability.


2(1), 11


90-623 90-367 90-491 90-301

1(23) 3 2 4(k), (1)

Technical amendment. Addition. Amendment. Exception.




90-259 90-313 90-351

204(c) 2(1) 804(e)(1)(A), (k) 2, 12(a)

Do. Do. Do.

90-407 90-438 90-448 90-515 90-620 90-637 90-610 90-351 90-407

110(c)(3) 4(a) 1 4(a)(6) 2(l)-(3), 3 1101 15(a)(1), (4)


15(a)(2), (4)

90-351 90-623 90-623

1101 1(26) 1(4)

Nonapplicability. Amendment.

Exception; applicability. Exception. Do. Do. Do. Do. Addition; exception. Supplemental provision. Addition (relating to National Science Foundation). Par. (40) deleted; new (40) added. See 5 U.S.C. 5313, this table. Addition. Amendment.