Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/186

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[82 STAT. 144]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 144]


Conditions for step increases. 72 Stat. 484.

Ante, pp. 141, 142.

D e t e c t i v e s, continuation of

Permanent promotions.

PUBLIC LAW 90-320-MAY 27, 1968

[82 STAT.

who on such date had completed at least 156 calendar weeks of continuous active service in such step in such salary class shall be advanced to longevity step B in such salary class. Each such officer or member shall receive the appropriate scheduled rate of basic compensation for the longevity step to which he was advanced under this subsection. In computing the service of an officer or member for purposes of this subsection, only periods of satisfactory service as an officer or member and periods of satisfactory service in the Armed Forces of the United States shall be included. SEC. 3. Section 401(a) of the District of Columbia Police and Firemen's Salary Act of 1958 (1).C. Code, sec. 4-832(a)) is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 401. (a) I n recognition of long and faithful service, each officer and member, except the (^lief of Police and Fire Chief, shall receive an amount (to be known as a longevity step increase) in addition to the rate of compensation prescribed in the salary schedule in section 101 for the maximum scheduled service step in the subclass of the salary class in which he is serving, or for the salary class in which he is serving if there are no subclasses in his salary class, for each 156 calendar weeks of continuous service completed by him following the effective date of this subsection at such maximum rate or at a rate in excess thereof, without change to a higher salary class, subject to all of the following conditions: " (1) No officer or member shall receive more than one longevity step increase for any 156 calendar weeks of continuing service, and in order to be eligible therefor he shall have a current performance rating of 'satisfactory' or better. "(2) Not more than three successive longevity step increases may be granted to any officer or member in salary classes 1 through 4, nor more than two successive longevity step increases may be granted to any officer or member in salary classes 5 through 9. "(3) I n the case of officer's or members serving in salary class 1, each longevity step increase shall be equal to the increment between service step 4 and service step 5. In the case of officers or members serving in the other salary classes, each longevity step increase shall be equal to one step increase of the salary class or subclass of a salary class in which the officer or member is serving. " (4) Each longevity step increase shall begin on the first day of the first pay period following completion of each 156 weeks. SEC. 4. The Commissioner of the District of Columbia (or his delegate) may not as a part of any reorganization of the Metropolitan Police force or through any other administrative action— (1) change the title of the positions of Detective and Detective Sergeant in salary classes 3 and 4, respectively, of the salary schedule contained in section 101 of the District of Columbia Police and Firemen's Salary Act of 1958 (D.C. Code, sec. 4-823), (2) change the job description or duties of such positions as in effect on the effective date of this Act, or (3) deny any individual serving in the position of Detective on the effective date of this Act reasonable opportunities to advance to the position of DetectVe Sergeant, or transfer such individual without his consent to any other position, so long as any individual serving in the position of Detective on the effective date of this Act is serving in such position. SEC. 5. Any officer or member of the Metropolitan Police force, the White House Police force, the United States P a r k Police force, or the Fire Department of the District of Columbia who—