Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/1869

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[82 STAT. A49]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. A49]

SUBJECT INDEX President of the United States—Con. Page Papers of the Presidents, organizing and microfilming, appropriation for 411 Peace Corps Act— Amendment, 1969 program, appropriation authorization 250 Appropriation for effecting provisions 1141 Proclamations. See separate title. Reports to — Agriculture, Department of— National trails system, studies 921 National wild and scenic rivers 909 Commerce, Department of, construction industry, employment stabilization 1355 Great Lakes Commission, activities.. 419 Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of— Health programs, training, research, facilities, etc 779, 787, 788 White House Conference on Aging, 1971, recommendations 879 Interior, Department of the — Colorado River Basin project 886, 899 National trails system, studies 921 National wild and scenic rivers 909 North Cascades National Park, Wilderness area within 931 Labor, Department of, construction industry, employment stabilization 1355 Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, activities 208 National Advisory Commission on Low Income Housing, recommendations 497 National Commission for the Review of Federal and State Laws R e lating to Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance 224 National Commission on Consumer Finance 165 National Commission on Fire Prevention and Control 38 Transportation, Department of, motor vehicle accident compensation system, s t u d y 126 White House Conference on Aging, 1971, final 879 Reports to, for t r a n s m i t t a l to Congress— Atlantic-Pacific Oceans Canal Commission study, time extension 249 Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of, juvenile delinquency, prevention, etc 472 Housing and Urban Development, Department of, 1968 program 550,581


President of the United States—Con. Page Reports to, for t r a n s m i t t a l to Congress—Continued Interior, Department of the, estuarine areas, s t u d y 626 National Science Board, annual 362 National Science Foundation, activities 360, 361 National Water Commission 868 Transportation, Department of, natural gas pipeline safety 728 Reports to Congress. See Reports to under Congress. Science and Technology, Office of, appropriation for 938 Tax reform proposals, submission to Congress 270 United Nations Children's F u n d, appropriation authorization 962 Walt Disney commemorative gold medal, presentation to widow 130 White House Conference on Aging, 1971, authorization 878 Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates, protection 170 Presidential Inaugural Ceremonies Act, Amendments, regulations; appropriation authorization. 4 Presidential Transition Act of 1963, appropriation for effecting provisions. _ 943 President's Committee on Consumer Interests, appropriation for 994 President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped: Appropriation for 972 Funds, increased authorization; omission of "physically" from title 306 Pribilof Islands, appropriation for administration of 434 Prison System, Federal, appropriation for 318,331,675 Prisons, Bureau of, State and local governments, technical assistance to 280 Proclamations: Agricultural commodities, amendment of Tariff Schedules of the United States 1636, 1649 American Education Week, 1968 1643 American H e a r t Month, 1968 1606 American History Month, 1968 1610 Cancer Control Month, 1968 1617 Captive Nations Week, 1968 1639 Charlotte, North Carolina, Day, 200th anniversary 1630 Designation 121 Child Health D a y 1657 Citizenship Day, 1968 1633 Columbus Day, 1968 1655 Constitution Week, 1968 1633