Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/1878

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[82 STAT. A58]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. A58]



Stockyards Act, Packers and, 1921: Page Taxes—Continued Amendments, improvement of manageExcise Taxes—Continued ment, etc 474 Machine guns, destructive devices, Appropriation for effecting provisions. 309, 649 and other firearms, r e g u l a t i o n s.. Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Wine, production of Piling Act: Income taxes— Appropriation for effecting provisions. _ 942 Charitable deductions, limitation Disposition of certain materials w i t h o u t Communications satellite system, exregard to — emption Beryl 704 Corporate s t a t u to r y mergers, exempMagnesium 1187 tions Subversive Activities Control Board, a p Corporations, payment of e s t i m a t e d. propriation for 689 Drainage district, deduction on assessments Sugar Act of 1948, appropriation for effecting provisions 646, 647 Hospital service organizations, tax"Summary of Veterans Legislation Reexempt s t a t u s ported, Ninetieth Congress," printing Industrial development bonds— of additional copies 1445 Exemption Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1968 239 Taxable interest Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1969 1190 Political convention programs, adverSupreme Court of the United States, tising in— appropriation for 323, 683 Deductible Surgeon General, OflSce of the, appropriaTax t r e a t m e n t tion for 979 Self-employed, earned income Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, Surcharge, imposition Wash., acquisition, sale, long-term Trusts, denial of exemption leasing of land 884 I n t e r n a l Revenue Codes. For sections affected see tables 3 and 4 of amend T m e n t s and repeals in " Laws AfTariff Act of 1930, modification of duties, fected in volume 8 2, " preceding proclamation 1455 this Index. Tariff Classification Act of 1962, modificaOccupational tax stamps, elimination of tion of duties, proclamation._^ 1455 posting; penalties Tariff Commission, United States: Reform of Internal Revenue Code of Antidumping Act, 1921, administrative 1954, submission of proposals by determinations 1347 the President to Congress Appropriation for 336, 689 Revenue and Expenditure Control Act Tariff Schedules of United States. For of 1968 amendments and repeals, see 1930, Teachers: P. L. 361, in Table 1, "General LegisDistrict of Columbia Teachers' Leave lation," in "Laws Affected in Vol. Act of 1949, amendment, sick and 82," preceding this Index. emergency leave, restriction Tariff Schedules Technical Amendments District of Columbia Teachers' Salary Act of 1965, modification of duties, Act Amendments of 1968 proclamation 1457 District of Columbia Teachers' Salary Tax Court of the United States, appropriaAct of 1955, amendments, salary tion for 196 increases, schedule Taxes: Technical Electronic Product Radiation Employment taxes, compensation for Safety Standards Committee, estabnonresiden t aliens, exclusion 1316 lishment Excise taxes— Technical Pipeline Safety Standards Automobiles— Committee, establishment Continuation 265 Telephone Calls, obscene or harassing, R a t e reduction, postponement 95 prohibition Communication services— Telephone Service: Continuation 265 District of Columbia, removal of tax R a t e reduction, postponement 92 exemption Distilled spirits, exemptions, etc 1328 Tax rate reduction, postponement


1227 1236 1330 1311 1310 260 1329 269 1349 266

268 183 1189 251 1330


270 251

140 132


1179 722 112

613 92