82 STAT. ]
PUBLIC LAW 90-419-JULY 24, 1968
be allocated equitably among the party states in accordance with their respective interests. "D. The Commission shall not pledge the credit of any party state. The Commission may meet any of its obligations in whole or in part with funds available to it under Article IV (H) of this compact, provided that the Commission takes specific action setting aside such funds prior to the incurring of any obligations to be met in whole or in part in this manner. Except where the Commission makes use of funds available to it under Article IV (H) hereof, the Commission shall not incur any obligations prior to the allotment of funds by the party states adequate to meet the same. " E. The Commission shall keep accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements. The receipts and disbursements of the Commission shall be subject to the audit and accounting procedures established under the by-laws. However, all receipts and disbursements of funds handled by the Commission shall be audited yearly by a qualified public accountant and the report of the audit shall be included in and become a part of the annual report of the Commission. " F. The accounts of the Commission shall be open at any reasonable time for inspection by such agency, representative or representatives of the party states as may be duly constituted for that purpose and by others who may be authorized by the Commission. "ARTICLE
"The Commission shall have power to: "A. Collect, correlate, interpret, and report on data relating to the water resources and the use thereof in the Basin or any portion thereof. " B. Recommend methods for the orderly, efficient, and balanced development, use and conservation of the water resources of the Basin or any portion thereof to the party states and to any other governments or agencies having interests in or jurisdiction over the Basin or any portion thereof. "C. Consider the need for and desirability of public works and improvements relating to the water resources in the Basin or any portion thereof. " D. Consider means of improving navigation and port facilities in the Basin or any portion thereof. " E. Consider means of improving and maintaining the fisheries of the Basin or any portion thereof. " F. Recommend policies relating to water resources including the institution and alteration of flood plain and other zoning laws, ordinances and regulations. "G. Recommend uniform or other laws, ordinances, or regulations relating to the development, use and conservation of the Basin's water resources to the party states or any of them and to other governments, political subdivisions, agencies or inter-governmental bodies having interests in or jurisdiction sufficient to affect conditions in the Basin or any portion thereof. " H. Consider and recommend amendments or agreements supplementary to this compact to the party states or any of them, and assist in the formulation and drafting of such amendments or supplementary agreements. " I. Prepare and publish reports, bulletins, and publications appropriate to this work and fix reasonable sales prices therefor. " J. With respect to the water resources of the Basin or any portion thereof, recommend agreements between the governments of the United States and Canada.