Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/472

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[82 STAT. 430]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 430]


PUBLIC LAW 90-425-JULY 26, 1968

[82 STAT.

an ec[ual amount; (2) not to exceed $28,475,000 shall be available to the National P a r k Service, of which $106,018.69 shall be payable to the State of Washington to compensate the State for its loss of timber-, cutting rights in the Queets Corridor of the Olympic National P a r k; (3) not to exceed $12,000,000 shall be available to the Forest Service; (4) not to exceed $750,000 shall be available to the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife; and (5) not to exceed $1,000,000 shall be available to the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation for supplemental allocations to the above agencies: Provided, That in the event the receipts available in the Land and Water Conservation Fund are insufficient to provide the full amounts specified herein, the amounts available under clauses (1) through (4) shall be reduced proportionately. OFMOE OF TEKKITORJES ADMINISTRATION OF TERRITORIES

64 Stat. 386;

45 Stat. 1253. 68 Stat. 503. 48 USC 1641.

77 Stat. 302.

For expenses necessary for the administration of Territories and for the departmental administration of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior, including expenses of the offices of the Governors of Guam and American Samoa, as authorized by law (48 U.S.C., secs. 1422, 1661 (c)); salaHes of the Governor of the Virgin Islands, the Government Secretary, the Government Comptroller, and the members of the immediate staffs as authorized by law (48 U.S.C. 1591, 72 Stat. 1095); compensation and mileage of members of the legislature in American Samoa as authorized by law (48 U.S.C. sec. 1661(c)); compensation and expenses of the judiciary in American Samoa as authorized by law (48 LT.S.C. 1661(c)); grants to American Samoa, in addition to current local revenues, for support of governmental functions; loans .^j^j grauts to Guam, as authorized by law (Public Law 88-170); and personal services, household equipment and furnishings, and utilities necessary in the operation of the houses of the Governors of Guam and American Samoa; $13,747,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That the Territorial and local government herein provided for are authorized to make purchases through the General Services Administration: Provided further. That appropriations available for the administration of Territories may be expended for the purchase, charter, maintenance, and operation of aircraft and surface vessels for official purposes and for commercial transportation purposes found by the Secretary to be necessary. TRUST TERRITORY OF THE PACIFIC ISLANDS

61 Stat. 3301. 48 us^c /e^si and notes.

For expenses necessary for the Department of the Interior in administration of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands pursuant to the Trusteeship Agreement approved by joint resolution of July 18, 1947 (61 Stat. 397), and the Act of June 30, 1954 (68 Stat. 330), as amended ^^^ Stat. 171), including the expenses of the High Commissioner of the Trvist Territory of the Pacific Islands; compensation and expenses of the Judiciary of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands; grants to the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands in addition to local revenues, for support of governmental functions; $30,000,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That all financial transactions of the Trust Territory, including such transactions of all agencies or instrumentalities established or utilized by such Trust Territory, shall be audited by the General Accounting Office in accordance with the