Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/474

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[82 STAT. 432]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 432]


PUBLIC LAW 90-425-JULY 26, 1968

[82 STAT.


For expenses necessary for promoting the conservation, exploration, development, production, and utilization of mineral resources, including fuels, in the United States, its Territories, and possessions; and developing synthetics and substitutes; $36,818,000. H E A L T H A N D SAFETY

For expenses necessary for promotion of health and safety in mines and in the minerals industries, and controlling fires in coal deposits, as authorized by law; $11,237,000. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL

79 Stat. 997. -,. u s e o^o^ ^^^ 3251 42

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For expenses necessary to carry out the functions of the Secretary ^^ *'^® Interior under the Solid Waste Disposal Act, $1,917,000, to remain available until expended. GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES

For expenses necessary for general administration of the Bureau of Mines; $1,577,000. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS

Appropriations and funds available to the Bureau of Mines may be expended for purchase of not to exceed forty-nine passenger motor vehicles for replacement only; purchase and bestowal of certificates and trophies in connection with mine rescue and first-aid work: Provided, That the Secretary is authorized to accept lands, buildings, equipment, and other contributions from public and private sources and to prosecute projects in cooperation with other agencies, Federal, State, or private: Provided further, That the Bureau of Mines is authorized during the current fiscal year, to sell directly or through any Government agency, including corporations, any metal or mineral product that may be manufactured in pilot plants operated by the Bureau of Mines, and the proceeds of such sales shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. HELIUM

74 Stat. 923. SO u s e 167j.


The Secretary is authorized to borrow from the Treasury for payment to the helium production fund pursuant to section 12(a) of the Helium Act Amendments of 1960 to carry out the provisions of the Act and contractual obligations thereunder, including helium purchases, to remain available without fiscal year limitation, $16,200,000, in addition to amounts heretofore authorized to be borrowed. OFFICE OF COAL RESEARCH SALARIES AND EXPENSES

^ 30 USC 661^^

For necessary expenses to encourage and stimulate the production and conservation of coal in the United States through research and development, as authorized by law (74 Stat 337), $13,700,000, to remain available until expended, of which not to exceed $393,000 shall be available for administration and supervision.