Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/501

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[82 STAT. 459]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 459]

82 STAT. ]


PUBLIC LAW 90-440-JULY 30, 1968

diction of any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States Government, only to the extent provided in Executive Order 11282 of May 26, 1966, any other Executive order of the President, and any Federal regulations, issued to carry out section 111 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 1857f). (5) The Council may impose in any regulation prescribed under this Act a fine (not to exceed $300) or imprisonment (not to exceed ninety days), or both, for a violation of such regulation; and may provide that if such violation is a continuing one, each day of such violation shall constitute a separate offense. (b) In the formulation of any regulations under this Act, the Council shall afford interested persons an opportunity to participate in the formulation of such regulations through submission of written data, views, or arguments with opportunity to present oral testimony and argument. The Council shall make its regulations under this Act on the basis of the record established in proceedings held pursuant to this subsection.

42 USC 1857f note. 81 Stat. 499. Penalties.

Public participation.


SEC. 4. (a) The Commissioner of the District of Columbia (hereafter referred to in this Act as the "Commissioner") shall take such action as may be necessary to prepare a comprehensive program for the control and prevention of air pollution in the District of Columbia. Such program shall provide for the administration and enforcement by the Commissioner of the regulations pr ascribed by the Council under section 3 of this Act. As part of such program, the Commissioner— (1) shall conduct research, investigations, experiments, training demonstrations, surveys, and studies, relating to the causes, effects, extent, prevention, and control of air pollution in the District of Columbia; (2) shall collect and make available, through publications, educational and training programs, and other appropriate means, the results of, and other information pertaining to, the activities carried out under paragraph (1); (3) shall establish, m accordance with such regulations as the Council may prescribe, such procedures as may be necessary to enable him (acting by himself or with air pollution control agencies of surrounding jurisdictions) to effectively deal with an air pollution emergency; and (4) may advise, consult, cooperate, and enter into agreements with the governments and agencies of any State or political subdivision thereof adjacent to the District of Columbia and any interstate or other regional agency representing any such State or political subdivision to (A) establish cooperative effort and mutual assistance for the prevention and control of air pollution and the enforcement of their respective laws relating thereto, and (B) establish such agencies as may be necessary to carry out such agreements. (b) For the purpose of carrying out his duties under this Act, the Commissioner may— (1) delegate the performance of such duties to an agency of the government of the District of Columbia, designated or established by him; (2) issue such orders as may be necessary to enforce the regulations prescribed by the Council under this Act and enforce such orders by all appropriate administrative and judicial proceedings, including injunctive relief;

D u t i e s of Commissioner.

Emergency powers.

Cooperation with adjacent jurisdictions.

Delegation of authority.
