Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/621

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[82 STAT. 579]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 579]

82 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 90-448-AUG. 1, 1968



SEC. 1311. (a) The Secretary shall from time to time negotiate with appropriate representatives of the insurance industry for the purpose of establishing— (1) a current schedule of operating costs applicable both to risk-sharing insurance companies and other insurers and to insurance companies and other insurers, insurance agents and brokers, and insurance adjustment organizations participating on other than a risk-sharing basis, and (2) a current schedule of operating allowances applicable to risk-sharing insurance companies and other insurers, which may be payable in accordance with the provisions of chapter II, and such schedules shall from time to time be prescribed in regulations. (b) For purposes of subsection (a)—• (1) the term "operating costs" shall (without limiting such j_

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^°s P- ssi. "Operating costs,

term) include— (A) expense reimbursements covering the direct, actual, and necessary expenses incurred in connection with selling and servicing flood insurance coverage; (B) reasonable compensation jDayable for selling and servicing flood insurance coverage, or commissions or service fees paid to producers; (C) loss adjustment expenses; and (D) other direct, actual, and necessary expenses which the Secretary finds are incurred in connection with selling or servicing flood insurance coverage; and (2) the term "operating allowances" shall (without limiting i^'^^^^lfl?^ ^^' such term) include amounts for profit and contingencies which the Secretary finds reasonable and necessary to carry out the purposes of this title. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS

SEC. 1312. The Secretary is authorized to prescribe regulations establishing the general method or methods by which proved and approved claims for losses may be adjusted and paid for any damage to or loss of property which is covered by flood insurance made available under the provisions of this title. DISSEMINATION OF FLOOD INSURANCE INFORMATION

SEC. 1313. The Secretary shall from time to time take such action as may be necessary in order to make information and data available to the public, and to any State or local agency or official, with regard to— (1) the flood insurance program, its coverage and objectives, and (2) estimated and chargeable flood insurance premium rates, including the basis for and differences between such rates in accordance with the provisions of section 1308. PROHIBITION AGAINST CERTAIN DUPLICATIONS OF BENEFITS

SEC. 1314. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, no Federal disaster assistance shall be made available to any person— (1) for the physical loss, destruction, or damage of real or personal property, to the extent that such loss, destruction, or damage is covered by a valid claim which may be adjusted and paid