Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/801

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[82 STAT. 759]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 759]

82 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 90-486-AUG. 13, 1968


SEC. 7. The fourth sentence of section 218(b)(5) of the Social /"^^^^J/^"'"*^ Security Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 418(b)(5)), is amended to read Trsrar.'5i4; as follows: "Persons employed under section 709 of title 32, United es Stat. 1059. States Code, who elected under section 6 of the National Guard Technicians Act of 1968 to remain covered by an employee retirement system of, or plan sponsored by, a State or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, shall, for the purposes of this Act, be employees of the State or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and (notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this paragraph), shall be deemed to be a separate coverage group.". SEC. 8. (a) Except as provided in section 709(g) of title 82, United compensation^ States Code, the Secretary concerned shall fix the rate of basic com- "Vnfe! pTse!"" pensation of positions existing on the date of enactment of this Act in accordance with the General Schedule set forth in section 5332, or under the appropriate prevailing rate schedule in accordance with section 5341 of title 5, United States Code, as applicable. I n fixing such „,^° ^'^'j^l,!^' .

81 Stat. 220^


_^ _ _ Post, p. 997. (1) If the technician is receiving a rate of basic compensation which is less than the minimum rate of the appropriate grade of the General Schedule, or which is less than the minimum rate of the appropriate grade or compensation level of the appropriate prevailing rate schedule, as applicable, in which his position is placed, his basic compensation shall be increased to that minimum rate. (2) If the technician is receiving a rate of basic compensation which is equal to a rate of the appropriate grade of the General Schedule, or which is equal to a rate of the appropriate grade or compensation level under the appropriate prevailing rate schedule, as applicable, in which his position is placed, he shall receive basic compensation at that rate of the General Schedule, or at that rate under the prevailing rate schedule, as applicable. (3) If the technician is receiving a rate of basic compensation which is between two rates of the appropriate grade of the General Schedule, or which is between two rates of the appropriate grade or compensation level under the appropriate prevailing rate schedule, as applicable, in which his position is placed, he shall receive basic compensation at the higher of those two rates under the General Schedule or appropriate prevailing rate schedule, as applicable. (4) If the technician is receiving a rate of basic compensation which is in excess of the maximum rate of the appropriate grade of the General Schedule, or which is in excess of the maximum rate of the appropriate grade or compensation level of the appropriate prevailing rate schedule, as applicable, in which his position is placed, he shall continue to receive basic compensation without change in rate until— (A) he leaves that position, or (B) he is entitled to receive basic compensation at a higher rate, but, when any such position becomes vacant, the rate of basic compensation of any subsequent appointee thereto shall be fixed in the manner provided by applicable law and regulation. (b) The conversion of positions and employees to appropriate grades of the General Schedule set forth in section 5332 of title 5, United States Code, and the initial adjustment of rat«s of basic compensation of those positions and technicians, provided for by this Act,

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