82 STAT. ]
PUBLIC LAW 90-537-SEPT. 30, 1968
word "phase'- within the parenthesis following "Central Utah", (ii) deleting the words Pine River Extension*' and inserting in lieu thereof the words "Animas-La Plata, Dolores, Dallas Creek, "West Divide, San Miguel", (iii) adding after the words "Smith Fork: the proviso ^Prcyvlded^ That construction of the Uintah unit of the Central Utah project shall not be undertaken by the Secretary until he has completed a feasibility report on such unit and submitted such report Report to to the Congress along with his certification that, in his judgment, the °"8'"*^^benefits of such unit or segment will exceed the costs and that such unit is physically and financially feasible, and the Congress has authorized the appropriation of funds for the construction thereof:". Section 2 of said Act is hereby further amended by (i) deleting the '^^ '^^c 620a. words "Parshall, Troublesome, Rabbit Ear, San Miguel, West Divide, Tomichi Creek, East River, Ohio Creek, Dallas Creek, Dolores, Fruit Growers Extension, Animas-La Plata", and inserting after the words "Yellow' Jacket" the words "Basalt Middle P a r k (including the Troublesome, Rabbit Ear, and Azure units), Upper Gunnison (including the East River, Ohio Creek, and Tomichi Creek units), Lower Yampa (including the Juniper and Great Northern units). Upper Yampa (including the Hay den Mesa, Wessels, and Toponas u n i t s) "; (ii) by inserting after the word "Sublette" the words "(including a diversion of water from the Green River to the North Platte River Basin in Wyoming), Ute Indian unit of the Central Utah Project, San Juan County ( U t a h), Price River, Grand County ( U t a h), Gray Canyon, and Juniper ( U t a h) "; and (iii) changing the period after "projects" to a colon and adding the following proviso: '"Provided, That the planning report for the Ute Indian unit of the Central Utah participating project shall be completed on or before December 31, 1974, to enable the United States of America to meet the commitments heretofore made to the L"te Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation under the agreement dated September 20, 1965 (Contract Numbered 14-06-W-194).". The amount which section 12. Authorization of said Act authorizes to be appropriated is hereby further increased ^""a^u^s^c 62ok. by the sum of $392,000,000, plus or minus such amounts, if any, as may be required, by reason of changes in construction costs as indicated by engineering cost indices applicable to the type of construction involved. This additional sum shall be available solely for the construction of the Animas-La Plata, Dolores, Dallas Creek, West Divide, and San Miguel projects herein authorized. (b) The Secretary is directed to proceed as nearly as practicable with the construction of the Animas-La Plata, Dolores, Dallas Creek, West Divide, and San Miguel participating Federal reclamation projects concurrently with the construction of the Central Arizona Project, to the end that such projects shall be completed not later than the date of the first delivery of water from said Central Arizona Project: Provided, That an appropriate repayment contract for each of said participating projects shall have been executed as provided in section 4 of the (Colorado River Storage Project Act (70 Stat. 107) before con- 43 USC 620c. struction shall start on that particular project. (c) The Animas-La Plata Federal reclamation project shall be pi'triTeJerai constructed and operated in substantial accordance with the engineer- reclamation ing plans set out in the report of the Secretary transmitted to the Con- ^'°^^„^'j,^°""^"' gress on May 4, 1966, and printed as House Document 436, Eighty- of C o n g r e s s. ninth Congress: Provided, That construction of the Animas-La Plata Federal reclamation project shall not be undertaken until and unless the States of Colorado and New Mexico shall have ratified the following compact to which the consent of Congress is hereby given: