Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/132

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[83 STAT. 104]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969
[83 STAT. 104]


72 Stat. 767. 49 USC 1378.

PUBLIC LAW 91-63-AUG. 25, 1969

[83 STAT.

hj order exempt any such acquisition of a noncertificated air carrier from this requirement to the extent and for such periods as may be in the public interest;". (3)(A) Section 408 is further amended by adding the following new subsection 408(f): "Presumption of Control

Effective date.

"(f) For the purposes Of this section, any person owning beneficially 10 per centum or more of the voting securities or capital, as the case may be, of an air carrier shall be presumed to be in control of such air carrier unless the Board finds otherwise. As used herein, beneficial ownership of 10 per centum of the voting securities of a carrier means ownership of such amount of its outstanding voting securities as entitles the holder thereof to cast 10 per centum of the aggregate votes which the holders of all the outstanding voting securities of such carrier are entitled to cast." (B) That portion of the table of contents contained in the first section of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 which appears under the heading "SEC. 408. Consolidation, merger, and acquisition of control." is amended by adding at the end thereof the following: " (f) Presumption of control." SEC. 2. The amendments made by this Act shall take effect as of August 5, 1969. Approved August 20, 1969.

Public Law 91-63 August 25, 1969 [ H. R. 12720]

D.C. Washington International School, Inc. Conveyance.


AN ACT To provide for the t-onvej'ance of certain real property of the District of Columbia to the Washington International School, Incorporated.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That (a) the Commissioner of the District of Columbia (hereafter in this Act referred to as the "Commissioner") shall convey to the "Washington International School, Incorporated (hereafter in this Act referred to as the "Corporation"), a nonprofit corporation in the District of (Columbia, all the right, title, and interest of the District of Columbia ill and to the real property in the District of Columbia described as lot 806 of square 1215 and known as the Phillips School, upon payment to the District of Columbia by or on behalf of the Corporation of the sum of $500,000. (b) The conveyance under subsection (a) of this section shall be subject to the condition that the Corporation shall use such real property for educational purposes during the five-year period beginning on the date of such conveyance, and that in the event that at any time during such period it ceases to use such real property for such purposes, it shall notify the Commissioner in writing of such fact and all right, title, and interest in and to such real property shall, at the option of the Commissioner, revert to the District of Columbia, but only upon payment to the Corporation of $500,000 or, if greater, the fair market value of such real property (but not to exceed $600,000), determined as of the date the Corporation notifies the Commissioner that the Corporation has ceased to use such real property for such purposes. The Commissioner may exercise such option only during the