LIST OF PROCLAMATIONS C O N T A I N E D IN T H I S V O L U M E No. 3880 3881 3882 3883 3884
Veterans Day, 1968 Thanksgiving D a y, 1968 Human Rights Week Wright Brothers Day, 1968 Proclamation Amending Part 3 of the Appendix to the Tariff Schedules of the United States with Respect to the Importation of Agricultural Commodities 3885 Proclamation Term i n a t i n g Bilateral Trade Agreement with Switzerland 3886 Effective Date of Public Law 90-635, An Act for Implementing Conventions for Free Admission of Professional Equipment and Containers, and for ATA, E C S, and T I R Carnets 3887 Enlarging the Arches National Monument, U t a h 3888 Enlarging the Capitol Reef National Monument, U t a h 3889 Establishing Marble Canyon National Monument, Arizona 3890 Enlarging the K a t m a i National Monument, Alaska 3891 Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial P a r k 3892 American H e a r t Month, 1969 3893 National Poison Prevention Week, 1969 3894 R e d Cross Month, 1969 3895 Save Your Vision Week, 1969 3896 National Safe Boating Week, 1969 3897 National F a r m Safety Week, 1969 3898 Law Day, U.S.A., 1969 3899 Senior Citizens Month, 1969 3900 National Defense Transportation D a y and National Transportation Week, 1969 3901 World Trade Week, 1969 3902 National Maritime Day, 1969 3903 Cancer Control Month, 1969 3904 Loyalty Day, 1969 3905 Small Business Week, 1969 3906 The T w e n t i e t h Anniversary of the North Atlantic T r e a t y Organization 3907 Announcing the Death of Dwight David Eisenhower 3908 P a n American D a y and P a n American Week, 1969 3909 Fiftieth Anniversary of the League of Women Voters of the United States 3910 M other ' s D a y, 1969 3911 Citizenship D a y and Constitution Week, 1969 3912 P r a y e r for Peace, Memorial D a y, 1969 3913 White Cane Safety D a y, 1969 3914 Helen Keller Memorial Week 3915 D - D a y T w e n t y - F i f t h Anniversary D a y 3916 Flag D a y and National Flag Week, 1969 3917 Professional P h o to g r a p h y Week in America 3918 Captive N a t i o n s Week, 1969 3919 National D a y of Participation. _ 3920 Fire P r e v e n t i o n Week, 19693921 National Archery Week 3922 National Highway Week, 1969 3923 World Law D a y, 1969 3924 United Nations D a y, 1969. - . 3925 L a d y Bird Johnson Grove, Redwood National P a r k 3926 General Pulaski's Memorial D a y, 1969 3927 National E m p l o y the Phvsically H and i c a p p e d Week, 1969 3928 L e i f E r i k s o n D a y, 1969-1 3929 Columbus D a y, 1969 3930 National Hispanic Heritage Week, 1969 3931 Stay-in-School campaign
Oct. Nov. Dec. Dec.
Date 23, 1968_-15, 1968 _ - 7, 1968.-16, 1968---
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6, 1969—
Jan. 13, 1969---
Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar.
18, 1969 - - 20, 1969 - - 20, 1969 - - 20, 1969— 20, 1969--20, 1969- - 27, 1969--13, 1969.-20, 1969.-22, 1969--3, 1969--3, 1969--4, 1969..17, 1969 - - -
920 920 922 924 926 928 928 929 930 931 932 933 933 934
Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar.
17, 18, 18, 25, 26, 27,
935 936 937 938 939 940
Mar. 28, 1969 - - Mar. 28, 1969 - - Apr. 11, 1969 - - -
940 941 942
Apr. Apr. May May May May May June June July July Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept.
943 944 945 946 947 947 948 949 950 951 951 952 953 954 954 955 956 957 958 958 959 960 961
17, 1969--25, 1969--13, 1969 - - 16, 1969 - - 20, 1969 - - 29, 1969.. 31, 1969 - - 5, 1969--7, 1969— 11, 1969. - 16, 1969--5, 1969--. 12, 1969 - - 13, 1969 - - . 14, 1969 - - 15, 1969--27, 1969 - - 5, 1969--9, 1969 - . 11, 1969 - - 11, 1969 - - 12, 1969... 12, 1969. - xxvii