Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/343

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[83 STAT. 315]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969
[83 STAT. 315]

83 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 91-142-DEC. 5, 1969

days from the date on which a written report of the facts rehiting to the increased cost of such project, including a statement of the reasons for such increase has been submitted to the Committees on Armed Services of the House of Representatives and the Senate, (d) The Secretary of Defense shall submit an annual report to the Congress identifying each individual project which has been placed under contract in the preceding twelve-month period and with respect to which the then current working estimate of the Department of Defense based upon bids received for such project exceeded the amount authorized by the Congress for that project by more than 25 per centum. The Secretary shall also include in such report each individual project with respect to which the scope was reduced in order to permit contract award within the available authorization for such project. Such report shall inchule all pertinent cost Jnformati(m for each individual project, inchuling the amount in dollars and percentage by which the current working estimate based on the contract price for the project exceeded the amount authorized for such project by the Congress. SEC. 701. Contracts for construction made by the United States for performance within the United States and its possessions under this Act shall be executed under the jurisdicticm and supervision of the Corps of P]ngineers, Department of the Army, or the Xaval Facilities Engineering Command, Department of the Navy, or such other department or Government agency as the Secretaries of the military departments recommend and the Secretary of Defense approves to assure the most efficient, expeditious and cost-effective accomplishment of the construction herein authorized. The Secretaries of the military

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Contract supervision.

^ Reports to C oncrc s s.

departments shall report annually to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives a breakdown of the dollar ^•alue of construction contracts awarded by each of the several construction agencies selected, together with the design, construction supervision, and overhead fees charged by each of the several agents in the execution of the assigned construction. Further, such contracts shall be awarded, insofar as practicable, on a ccmipetitive basis to the lowest responsible bidder, if the national security will not be impaired and the award is consistent with chapter 187 of title 10, United States Code. The Secretaries of the military departments shall report semi- io^sc^23oY annually to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House 2314. of Representatives with respect to all contracts awarded on other than Reports to a competitive basis to the lowest responsible bidder. congress. SEC. 705. (a) As of October 1, 1970, all authorizations for military Repeals. public works (other than family housing) to be accomplished by the Secretary of a military dejiartment in connection with the establishment or development of military installations and facilities, and all authorizations for appropriations therefor, that are contained in titles I, II, III, IV, and V of the Act of July 21, 1968, Public Law 90^08 (82 Stat. 367), and all such authorizations contained in Acts approved before July 22, 1968, and not superseded or otherwise modified by a later authorization are repealed except— Exceptions. (1) authorizations for public works and for appropriations therefor that are set forth in these Acts in the titles that contain the general provisions; (2) authorizations for public works projects as to which appropriated funds have been obligated for c()nstruction contracts or land accpiisitions in whole or in part before October 1, 1970, and authorizations for appropriations therefor; and (3) notwithstanding the repeal provisions of section 805(a) of the Act of July 21, 1968 (82 Stat. 367, 390), authorizations for the following items which shall remain in effect until October 1, 1971: