Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/371

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[83 STAT. 343]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969
[83 STAT. 343]

83 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 91-145-DEC. 12, 1969


U.S.C. 53), is amended by striking out "$300" and inserting in lieu Jl^l\^%^f^' thereof "$400", and by inserting before the colon preceding the proviso therein a comma and the following: "or incurred for subscriptions to newspapers, magazines, periodicals, or clipping or similar services". Effective July 1, 1969, the third paragraph under the heading "Administrative Provisions" in the appropriations for the Senate in the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1959, as amended (2 U.S.C. 43b), is amended by striking out the portion thereof relating to pay- ^^ Stat. 443; ments from the Contingent Fund of the Senate and inserting in lieu ^^ *^ ^^®' thereof the following: "The Contingent Fund of the Senate is hereafter made available for reimbursement of transportation expenses incurred by Senators in traveling, on official business, by the nearest usual route, between Washington, District of Columbia, and any point in their home States, for not to exceed twelve round trips (or the equivalent thereof in oneway trips) in each fiscal year,". Section 6(c) of the District of Columbia Traffic Act, 1925 (D.C. Code, sec. 40-603 (c)), is amended by inserting after "Senate and House 46 Stat. 1425. of Representatives," the words "Comptroller of the Senate,". The first sentence of the second paragraph under the heading "Administrative Provisions" in the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1962, as amended (2 U.S.C. 127), is amended to read as fol- _^i^*^*:/„23; lows: "The contingent fund of the Senate is hereafter made available 79 Stat. 269. for reimbursement of transportation expenses incurred in traveling by the nearest usual route between Washington, District of Columbia, and any point in the home State of the Senator involved, for not to exceed eight round trips made by employees in each Senator's office in any fiscal year, such payment to be made only upon vouchers approved by the Senator containing a certification by such Senator that such travel was performed in line of official duty." This provision shall take effect with respect to round trips commencing on or after the date of enactment of this Act. No part of any appropriation disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate shall be available for payment of compensation to any person for any period for which such person is carried in a leave without pay status from a position in or under any department or agency of the Government. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES For payment to Pearle Jean Bates, widow of William H. Bates, late a Representative from the State of Massachusetts, $42,500. SALARIES, MILEAGE FOR THE MEMBERS, AND EXPENSE ALLOWANCE THE




For compensation of Members, as authorized by law (wherever used herein the term "Member" shall include Members of the House of Representatives and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico), $20,074,000. M I L E A G E OF M E M B E R S A N D E X P E N S E ALLOWANCE OF THE


For mileage of Members and expense allowance of the Speaker, as authorized by law, $180,000.