Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/389

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[83 STAT. 361]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969
[83 STAT. 361]

83 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 91-148-DEC. 18, 1969

of enhancing the efficiency and governmental effectiveness of the legion, it is imperative that there be established an areawide phmnins agency with power to adopt and enforce a regional plan of resource conservation and orderly development, to exercise effective environmental controls and to perform other essential functions, as enumerated in this title. "ARTICLE II.


"As used in this compact: " (a) 'Region,' includes Lake Tahoe, the adjacent parts of the Counties of Douglas, Ormsby, and Washoe lying within the Tahoe Basin in the State of Nevada, and the adjacent parts of the Counties of Placer and El Dorado lying within the Tahoe Basin in the State of California, and that additional and adjacent part of the County of Placer outside of the Tahoe Basin in the State of California which lies southward and eastward of a line starting at the intersection of the basin crestline and the north boundary of Section 1, thence west to the northwest corner of Section 3, thence south to the intersection of the basin crestline and the west boundary of Section 10; all sections referring to Township 15 North, Range 16 East, M.D.B.&M. The region defined and described herein shall be as precisely delineated on official maps of the agency. " (b) 'Agency' means the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. "(c) 'Governing body' means the governing board of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. " (d) 'Regional plan' shall mean the long-term general plan for the development of the region. "(e) 'Interim plan' shall mean the interim regional plan adopted pending the adoption of the regional plan, " (f) 'Planning connuission' means the advisory planning commission appointed pursuant to paragraph (h) of Article III. '"AjrnCLE III. OlUJAXlZATION

"(a) There is created the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency as a separate legal entity. "The governing body of the agency shall be c(instituted as follows: One niemlxer appointed by each of the (Vunty Boards of Supervisors of the Counties of El Dorado and Placer and one member appointed by the City Council of the City of South Lake Tahoe. Each meml>er shall IM? a member of the city council or county board of super\'isors which he represents and, in the case of a supervisor, shall be a resident of a county supervisorial district lying wholly or partly within the region. "One meml)er appointed by each of the boards of county commissioners of Douglas, Ormsby and Washoe counties. Any member so