83 STAT. ]
PUBLIC LAW 91-155-DEC. 24, 1969
Sanitary engineering, including the purchase of twenty-seven passenger motor vehicles for replacement only, $32,707,000, of which $9,156,000 shall be payable from the water fund, $7,097,000 from the sanitary sewage works fund, and $108,000 from the metropolitan area sanitary sewage works fund. PERSONAL SERVICES, WAGE-BOARD EMPLOYEES
For pay increases and related retirement costs for wage-board employees, to be transferred by the Commissioner of the District of Columbia to the appropriations for the fiscal year 1970 from which said employees are properly payable, $5,201,300, of which $207,500 shall be payable from the highway fund (including $3,000 from the motor vehicle parking account), $288,200 from the water fund, $269,800 from the sanitary sewage works fund, and $8,000 from the metropolitan area sanitary sewage works fund. SETTLEMENT or
For payment of property damage claims in excess of $500 and of personal injury claims in excess of $1,000, approved by the Commissioner in accordance with the provisions of the Act oi February 11, 1929, as amended (45 Stat. 1160; 46 Stat. 500; 65 Stat. 131), $51,000, ^ ^Q^\^°'^" payable from the general fund. 1-906. ° REPAYMENT or LOANS AND INTEREST
For reimbursement to the United States of funds loaned in compliance with sections 108, 217, and 402 of the Act of May 18, 1954 (68 Stat. 103, 109, and 110), as amended; section 9 of the Act of September 7, 1957 (71 Stat. 619), as amended; section 1 of the Act of June 6, 1958 (72 Stat. 183); and section 4 of the Act of June 12, 1960 (74 Stat. 211), including interest as required thereby, $10,807,000, of which $3,829,000 shall be payable from the highway fund, $1,453,000 from the water fund, and $512,000 ftom the sanitary sewage works fund.
D.C. Code 4 3 -
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For reimbursement to the United States of funds loaned in compliance with section 4 of the Act of May 29, 1930 (46 Stat. 482), as amended, the Act of August 7, 1946 (60 Stat. 896), as amended, the 7i Stat. en. Act of May 14, 1948 (62 Stat. 235), and payments under the Act of 130° "^"^ ^^• July 2, 1954 (68 Stat. 443); construction projects as authorized by the Acts of April 22, 1904 (33 Stat. 244), February 16, 1942 (56 Stat. 91), May 18, 1954 (68 Stat. 105, 110), June 6, 1958 (72 Stat. 183), and August 20, 1958 (72 Stat. 686); including acquisition of sites; D.C code 43preparation of plans and specifications; conducting preliminary sur- 804°'?^?32, veys; erection of structures, including building improvement and 7-133. alteration and treatment of grounds; to remain available until expended, $120,682,300, of which $3,136,000 shall be pavable from the highway fund, $1,175,000 from the water fund, and $12,268,000 from the sanitary sewage works fund: Provided, That $5,250,000 of this appropriation shall be available for capital outlay for the District of Columbia Department of Corrections; Provided further, That