Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/47

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PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969

83 STAT. ]


"A. POWERS.—Each interstate school district shall be a body corporate and politic, with power to: "a. To acquire, construct, extend, improve, stall', operate, manage and govern public schools within its boundaries; "b. To sue and be sued, subject to the limitations of liability hereinafter set forth; "c. To have a seal and alter the same at pleasure; "d. To adopt, maintain and amend bylaws not inconsistent with this compact, and the laws of the two states; "e. To acquire by purchase, condemnation, lease or otherwise, real and personal property for the use of its schools; "f. To enter into contracts and incur debts; "g. To borrow money for the purposes hereinafter set forth, and to issue its bonds or notes therefor; "h. To make contracts with and accept grants and aid from the United States, the state of New Hampshire, the state of Vermont, any agency or municipality thereof, and private corporations and individuals for the construction, maintenance, reconstruction, operation and financing of its schools; and to do any and all things necessary in order to avail itself of such aid and cooperation; "i. To employ such assistants, agents, servants, and independent contractors as it shall deem necessary or desirable for its purposes; and " j. To take any other action which is necessary or appropriate in order to exercise any of the foregoing powers. "ARTICLE IV "DISTRICT MEETIN GS

"A. (TENERAL.—Votes of the district shall be taken at a duly warned meeting held at any place in the district, at which all of the eligible legal voters of the member districts shall be entitled to vote, except as otherwise provided with respect to the election of directors. "B. ELIGIBILITY or VOTERS.—Any resident who would be eligible to vote at a meeting of a member district being held at the same time, shall be eligible to vote at a meeting of the interstate district. The board of civil authority in each Vermont member district and the supervisors of the check list of each New Hampshire district shall respectively prepare a check list of eligible voters for each meeting of the interstate district in the same manner, and they shall have all the same powers and duties with respect to eligibility of voters in their districts as for a meeting of a memoer district. "C. WARNING OF MEETINGS.—A meeting shall be warned by a warrant addressed to the residents of the interstate school district qualified to vote in district affairs, stating the time and place of the meeting and the subject matter of the business to be acted upon. The warrant shall be signed by the clerk and by a majority of the directors. Upon written application of ten or more voters in the district, presented to the directors or to one of them, at least twenty-five days before the day prescribed for an annual meeting, the directors shall insert in their warrant for such meeting any subject matter specified in such application.