Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/732

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[83 STAT. 704]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969
[83 STAT. 704]


PUBLIC LAW 91-172-DEC. 30, 1969

[83 STAT.

"Table 8—If the payroll period Avitk respect to an employee is a D A I L Y payroll period or a niiscellaneoiis payroll period a

(a) Single Person—Including Head of Household:

"If the amount of wages divided by the number of days in the payroll period The amount of income tax to be withis: held shall b e: Not over $2.70 0. Over $2.70 but not over $5.50 14% of excess over $2.70. Over $5.50 but not over $8.20 $0.39 plus 17% of excess over $5..50. Over $8.20 but not over $13.70 $0.85 plus 19% of excess over $8.20. Over $13.70 but not over $26.00 $1.90 plus 20% of excess over $13.70. Over $26.00 but not over $31.50 $4.36 plus 2 1 % of excess over $26.00. Over $31..50 $5..">1 plus 2 3 % of excess over $31.-50.

" (b) Married Person: "If the amount of wages divided by the number of days in the payroll period The amount of income tax to be withis: held shall be: Not over $2.70 0. Over $2.70 but not over $5.50 14% of excess over $2.70. Over $5.50 but not over $13.70 $0.39 plus 1 5 % of excess over $5.50. Over $13.70 but not over $26.00___ $1.62 plus 16% of excess over $13.70. Over $26.00 but not over $ 4 1. 1 0 — $3.59 plus 19% of excess over $26.00. Over $41.10 but not over $63.00___ $6.46 plus 22% of excess over $41.10. Over.$63.00 $11.28 plus 2 7 % of excess over $63.00." (b)

80 Stat. 4 1. 26 USC 3402.


with respect to wages paid after December 31, 1969, and before July 1, 1970, the table contained in section 3402(b)(1) is amended to read as follows: "Percentage Method Withholding Table Amount of one withholding exemption:

"Payroll period

Weekly Biweekly Semimonthly Monthly Quarterly Semiannual Annual Daily or miscellaneous (per day of such period)

$11. 50 23.0<3 25.00 .50.00 1.50. 00 300.00 600. 00 1.60."

(2) "WAGES PAID I N IOTO AXD IOTI.—Effective with respect to wages ]3aid after June 30, 1970, and before January 1, 1972, the table contained in section 3402(b)(1) is amended to read as follows: "Percentage Method Withholding Table "Payroll period

Weekly Biweekly Semimonthly Monthly Quarterly Semiannual Annual Daily or miscellaneous (per day of such period)

Amount of one withholding exemption:

$12. 50 25. 00 27.10 54. 20 162. 50 325. 00 650. 00 1. 80."

(3) WAGES PAID DURIXG 1972.—Effective with respect to wages paid during 1972, the table contained in section 3402(b)(1) is amended to read as follows: