Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/870

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[83 STAT. 842]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969
[83 STAT. 842]


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PUBLIC LAW 91-184-DEC. 30, 1969

[83 STAT.

(4) It is the policy of the United States to use its economic resources and trade potential to further the sound growth and stability of its economy as well as to further its national security and foreign policy objectives. (^) ^^ ^^ ^^® poHcy of the United States (A) to oppose restrictive trade practices or boycotts fostered or imposed by foreign countries against other countries friendly to the United States, and (B) to encourage and request domestic concerns engaged in the export of articles, materials, supplies, or information, to refuse to take any action, including the furnishing of information or the signing of agreements, which has the effect of furthering or supporting the restrictive trade practices or boycotts fostered or imposed by any foreign country against another country friendly to the United States. AUTHORITY

Presidential determination.

SEC. 4. (a)(1) The Secretary of Commerce shall institute such organizational and procedural changes in any office or division of the Department of Commerce which has heretofore exercised functions relating to the control of exports and continues to exercise such controls under this Act as he determines are necessary to facilitate and effectuate the fullest implementation of the policy set forth in this Act with a view to promoting trade with all nations with which the United States is engaged in trade, including trade with (A) those countries or groups of countries with which other countries or groups of countries having defense treaty commitments with the United States have a significantly larger percentage of volume of trade than does the United States, and (B) other countries eligible for trade with the United States but not significantly engaged in trade with the United States. In addition, the Secretary shall review any list of articles, materials, or supplies, including technical data or other information, the exportation of which from the United States, its territories and possessions, was heretofore prohibited or curtailed with a view to making promptly such changes and revisions in such list as may be necessary or desirable in furtherance of the policy, purposes, and provisions of this Act. The Secretary shall include a detailed statement with respect to actions taken in compliance with the provisions of this paragraph in the second quarterly report (and in any subsequent report with respect to actions taken during the preceding quarter) made by him to the Congress after the date of enactment of this Act pursuant to section 10. (2) The Secretary of Commerce shall use all practicable means available to him to keep the business sector of the Nation fully apprised of changes in export control policy and procedures instituted in conformity with this Act with a view to encouraging the widest possible trade. (b) To effectuate the policies set forth in section 3 of this Act, the President may prohibit or curtail the exportation from the United States, its territories and possessions, of any articles, materials, or supplies, including technical data or any other information, except under such rules and regulations as he shall prescribe. To the extent necessary to achieve effective enforcement of this Act, these rules and regulations may apply to the financing, transporting, and other servicing of exports and the participation therein by any person. Rules and