Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/897

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[83 STAT. 869]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969
[83 STAT. 869]

83 STAT. ]

PRIVATE LAW 91-9-MAY 28, 1969

Diaiigvo may be (classified as a child within the meaning of section 101(b) (^1)(f) of the Act, upon approval of a petition filed in her behalf by Mr. Crisanto A. Malihan, a citizen of the United States, pursuant to section 204 of the Act: Provided, That the natural brothers or sisters of the beneficiary shall not, by virtue of such relationship, be accorded any right, privilege, or status under the Immigration and Nationality Act. Approved May 15, 1969.

869 79 Stat. 917. 8 USC 1101. 8 USC 1154.

Private Law 91-7 AN ACT For the relief of Maria Prescilla (Jaraiuanzaua.

May 28, 1969 [H. R. 2948]

Be it enacted by the Seriate and Houm of Represeritatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, for the pur- Maria P. poses of secitions 208(a)(1) and 204 of the Immigration and Nation- Caramanzana. ality Act, Maria Prescilla Caramanzana shall be held and considered ^^ Stat. 912. to be the natural-born alien daughter of Adolfo Caramanzana, a citi- 1154 zen of the Tnited States: Provided, That the natural parents or brothers or sisters of the l)eneficiary shall not, by virtue of such relationship, be accorded any right, privilege, or status under the Immigration and Nationality Act. Approved May 28, 1969.

Private Law 91-8 AN ACT For the relief of Maria KuUuardo Frasca.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the linited States of A nicnca in Congress assembled, That, in the administration of the Inimigration and Nationality Act, Maria Balluardo Frasca may pe classified as a child within the meaning of section 101 (b)(1)(F) of the Act, upon approval of a petition filed in her behalf by Ir. and Mrs. Giovanni Frasca, citizens of the United States, pursuant to section 204 of the Act: Provided, That the prothers or sisters of the beneficiary shall not, by virtue of such relationship, be accorded any rig]\t, privilege, or status under the Immigration and Nationality Act. Approved May 28, 1969.

May 28, 1959 [H. R. 3464]

^^"'^ B79 Stat. 917. ^ ^^'^ ^^°^^ ^'^^ ^i54.

Private Law 91-9 AN ACT To confer United States citizenship posthumously upon Lance Corporal Theodore Daniel Van Staveren.

served honorably in the United States Marine Corps from February 24, 1967, until his death on April 10, 1968, shall be held and considered to have been a citizen of the United States at the time of his death. Approved May 28, 1969.

May 28, 1969 1^^- ^^^^

Lance Cpl. Theodore D. Van Staveren.