Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/91

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PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969

83 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 91-47-JULY 22, 1969


TITLE III I N C R E A S E D P A Y COSTS For additional amounts for appropriations for the fiscal year 1969, for increased pay costs authorized by or pursuant to law, as follows: LEGISLATIVE BRANCH SENATE

"Compensation of the Vice President and Senators", $458,270; "Salaries, officers and employees", $1,647,837; "Office of the Legislative Counsel of the Senate", $21,905; Contingent expenses of the Senate: "Senate policy committees", $27,190; "Automobiles and maintenance", $2,180; "Inquiries and investigations", $370,640; including $14,460 for the Committee on Appropriations; "Folding documents", $2,565; "Miscellaneous items", $169,015, including $100,500 for payment to the Architect of the Capitol in accordance with section 4 of Public I ^ w 87-82, approved July 6, 1961; HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES COMPENSATION OF MEMBERS

Compensation of Members, $1,975,000; SALARIES, OFFICERS, A N D E M P L O Y E E S

"Office of the Speaker", $4,015; "Office of the Parliamentarian", $12,935; "Compilation of precedents of House of Representatives", $670; "Office of the Chaplain", $1,250; "Office of the Clerk", $110,000; "Office of the Sergeant at Arms", $192,000; "Office of the Doorkeeper", $65,000; "Office of the Postmaster", $40,875; "Committee employees", $400,000; Special and minority employees: "Minority employees", $11,410; "House Democratic steering committee", $3,760; "House Republican conference", $3,760; "Majority leader", $4,800; "Minority leader", $4,005; "Majority whip", $3,885; "Minority whip", $3,885; "Printing clerks", $980; "Official reporters of debates", $27,000: "Official reporters to committees", $24,760; "Office of the legislative counsel", $25,600; MEMBERS' CLERK H I K E

"Members' clerk hire", $3,050,000;

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