Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 1.djvu/1332

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[84 STAT. 1274]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 1274]

PUBLIC LAW 91.513~OCT. 27, 1970



Authority to break and enter under certain conditions.


SEC, 509. (a) A search warrant relating to offenses involving controlled substances may be served at any time of the day or night if the judge or United States magistrate issuing the warrant is satisfied that there is probable cause to believe that grounds exist for the warrant and for its service at such time. (b) Any officer authorized to execute a search warrant relating to offenses involving controlled substances the penalty for which is imprisonment for more than one year may, without notice of his authority and purpose, break open an outer or inner door or window of a building, or any part of the building, or anything therein, if the judge or United States magistrate issuing the warrant (1) is satisfied that there is probable cause to believe that (A) the property sought may and, if such notice is given, will be easily and quickly destroyed or disposed of, or (B) the giving of such notice will immediately endanger the life or safety of the executing officer or another person, and (2) has included in the warrant a direction that the officer executing it shall not be required to give such notice. Any officer acting under such warrant, shall, as soon as practicable after entering the premises, identify himself and give the reasons and authority for his entrance upon the premises. ADMINISTRATIVE INSPECTIONS AND

"Controlled premises,"


p. 1253.

[84 STAT.


SEC. 510. (a) As used in this section, the term "controlled premises" means— (1) places where original or other records or documents required under this title are kept or required to be kept, and (2) places, including factories, warehouses, or other establishments, and conveyances, where persons registered under section 303 (or exempted from registration under section 302(d)) may lawfully hold, manufacture, or distribute, dispense, administer, or otherwise dispose of controlled substances. (b)(1) For the purpose of inspecting, copying, and verifying the correctness of records, reports, or other documents required to be kept or made under this title and otherwise facilitating the carrying out of his functions under this title, the Attorney General is authorized, in accordance with this section, to enter controlled premises and to conduct administrative inspections thereof, and of the things specified in this section, relevant to those functions. (2) Such entries and inspections shall be carried out through officers or employees (hereinafter referred to as "inspectors") designated by the Attorney General. Any such inspector, upon stating his purpose and presenting to the owner, operator, or agent in charge of such premises (A) appropriate credentials and (B) a written notice of his inspection authority (which notice in the case of an inspection requiring, or in fact supported by, an administrative inspection warrant shall consist of such warrant), shall have the right to enter such premise'; and conduct such inspection at reasonable times. (3) Except as may otherwise be indicated in an applicable inspec tion warrant, the inspector shall have the right— (A) to inspect and copy records, reports, and other documents required to be kept or made under this title; (B) to inspect, within reasonable limits and in a reasonable manner, controlled premises and all pertinent equipment, finished and unfinished drugs and other substances or materials, containers, and labeling found therein, and, except as provided in para-