Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 1.djvu/1386

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[84 STAT. 1328]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 1328]


PUBLIC LAW 91-518-OCT. 30, 1970

[84 STAT.


41 Stat. 474; 54 Stat. 899. Post,

p, 1330,

The Congress finds that modern, efficient, intercity railroad passenger service is a necessary part of a balanced transportation system; that the public convenience and necessity require the continuance and improvement of such service to provide fast and comfortable transportation between crowded urban areas and in other areas of the country; that rail passenger service can help to end the congestion on our highways and the overcrowding of airways and airports; that the traveler in America should to the maximum extent feasible have freedom to choose the mode of travel most convenient to his needs; that to achievethese goals requires the designation of a basic national rail passenger system and the establishment of a rail passenger corporation for the purpose of providing modern, efficient, intercity rail passenger service; that Federal financial assistance as well as investment capital from the private sector of the economy is needed for this purpose; and that interim emergency Federal financial assistance to certain railroads may be necessary to permit the orderly transfer of railroad passenger service to a railroad passenger corporation. SEC. 102. DEFINITIONS. For the purposes of this Act— (1) "Railroad" means a common carrier by railroad, as defined in section 1(3) of part I of the Interstate Commerce Act, as amended (49 U.S.C. 1(3)) other than the corporation created by title III of fhisAot llllb-tl.01.



(2) "Secretary" means the Secretary of Transportation or his delegate unless the context indicates otherwise. (3) "Commission" means the Interstate Commerce Commission. (4) "Basic system" means the system of intercity rail passenger service designated by the Secretary under title II and section 403(a) Post, pp. 1329, of this Act. ^^^* (5) "Intercity rail passenger service" means all rail passenger service other than (A) commuter and other short-haul service in metropolitan and suburban areas, usually characterized by reduced fare, multiple-ride and commutation tickets, and by morning and evening peak period operations, and (B) auto-ferry service characterized by transportation of automobiles and their occupants where contracts for such service have been consummated prior to enactment of this Act. (6) "Avoidable loss" means the avoidable costs of providing passenger service, less revenues attributable thereto, as determined by the Interstate Commerce Commission pursuant to the provisions of 80 Stat. 383. gection 553 of title 5, United States Code. (7) "Corporation" means the National Railroad Passenger Corporation created under title III of this Act.