Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 1.djvu/1467

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[84 STAT. A25]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. A25]

SUBJECT Cuban Expropriation Losses, tax treatment Cultural and Technical Interchange Between East and West, Center for, appropriation for Cultural Property, International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of, appointment of official delegation Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act Customs, Bureau of, appropriation for 872, Customs Administrative Act of 1970 Customs and Patent Appeals, Court of: Appropriation for 388, Holding of evidentiary hearings in foreign countries P l a n t Variety Protection Act, jurisdiction 1550, Customs Court: Appropriation for 384, 388, Holding of evidentiary hearings in foreign countries Judicial actions and administrative proceedings, improvement Customs Courts Act of 1970 Customs Duties. See I m p o r t s.

P^se 2061


204 1118 400, 1997 282 1055 277 1558 1056 277 274 274

D Dairy Products: Butterfat, suspension of price s u p p o r t. Commodity Credit Corporation donations to school lunch program, etc_ District of Columbia, inspection and certification M i h t a r y d e part m e n t s and veterans hospitals, donations to Milk, marketing orders, extension of program Dardanelle Lock and Dam, Arkansas River Project, designation Darien Gap Highway, Panama-Columbia, cooperation in construction Day of Bread and Harvest Festival Week: Designation. Proclamation Day of Prayer, proclamation Day of Prayer, National, 1970, proclamation Deaf: Educational centers and services Gallaudet College, District of Columbia— Appropriation for 41, 394, Kendall School, demonstration elem e n t a r y school for the deaf, enlargement Model Secondary School for the Deaf, appropriation for 41,

1361 199 1937 1361 1359 1929 1721 887 2252 2229 2250 182


1579 2014



National Technical Institute for the P"ge Deaf, appropriation for 41, 2014 Deaf, Convention of American Instructors of the, proceedings report, printing as Senate document 2181 Defense, Department of. See also Armed Forces, and individual services. Appropriation Act, 1971 2020 Appropriation for 376, 392, 1455, 1981, 1985, 1992, 2020 Armed Forces recruitors, grants withheld from nonprofit institutions barring, report to NASA 370 Atlantic Fleet Weapons Range, Culebra complex, P u e r to Rico, study, report 1225 Boy Scouts of America, World J a m boree held in J a p a n in 1971, loan of equipment 1403 Chemical munitions, transportation from Okinawa, restriction on funds. 2055 Civil defense, appropriation for 392, 1455, 1985 Civil functions, appropriation for 392, 891 ClaimsAppropriation for settlement 2025 Settlement authority, enlargement-__ 412 Contingencies, appropriation for 2025 Court of Military Appeals, United States, appropriation for 2025 Deceased servicemen, presentation of United States flag to parents 837 Defoliation program by Defense Department in South Vietnam, s t u d y. 913 Department of Defense Appropriation Act, 1970, amendment, procurem e n t funds, repeal 2038 Excess defense articles, ceiling on grants 2054 Facilities for defense agencies 1217 Family housing, appropriation for 1410 Foreign Military Sales Act— AmendmentsLatin American and African countries, sales, ceiling 2053 Sales, credit, etc., restrictions to countries seizing American fishing vessels 2053 Appropriation for effecting provisions 1859 General provisions. Appropriation Act s. 1410, 2029 International Fighter aircraft, sale, ref striction 2054 Legislative jurisdiction, relinquishment to a State 1226 Medal of Honor recipient, headstone for u n m a r k e d grave 836 Middle East, negotiations to limit arms shipment to 2053