Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 1.djvu/192

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[84 STAT. 140]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 140]


Methods of payment.

PUBLIC LAW 91-230-APR. 13, 1970

[84 STAT.

"(c) The Commissioner shall pay to each applicant which has an application approved pursuant to section 306 the amount necessary to carry out the program or project pursuant to such application. " (d) Payments under this section may be made in installments and in advance or by way of reimbursement, with necessary adjustments on account of overpayments or underpayments. "(e) No payments shall be made under this title to any local educational agency or to any State unless the Commissioner finds, in the case of a local educational agency, that the combined fiscal effort of that agency and the State with respect to the provision of free public education by that agency for the preceding fiscal year was not less than such combined fiscal effort for that purpose for the second preceding fiscal year or, in the case of a State, that the fiscal effort of that State for State aid (as defined by regulation) with respect to the provision of free public education in that State for the preceding fiscal year was not less than such fiscal effort for State aid for the second preceding fiscal year. " (f)(1) I n any State which has a State plan approved under section 305(c) and in which no State agency is authorized by law to provide, or in which there is a substantial failure to provide, for effective participation on an equitable basis in programs authorized by this title by children enrolled in any one or more private elementary or secondary schools of such State in the area or areas served by such programs, the Commissioner shall arrange for the provision, on an equitable basis, of such programs and shall pay the costs thereof for any fiscal year out of that State's allotment. The Commissioner may arrange for such programs through contracts with institutions of higher education, or other competent nonprofit institutions or organizations. "(2) In determining the amount to be withheld from any State's allotment for the provision of such programs, the Commissioner shall take into account the number of children and teachers in the area or areas served by such programs who are excluded from participation therein and who, except for such exclusion, might reasonably have been expected to participate. "RECOVERY OF PAYMENTS

"SEC. 308. If within twenty years after completion of any constriiction for which Federal funds have been paid under this title— " (a) the owner of the facility shall cease to be a State or local educational agency, or " (b) the facility shall cease to be used for the educational and related purposes for which it was constructed, unless the Commissioner determines in accordance with regulations that there is good cause for releasing the applicant or other owner from the obligation to do so, the United States shall be entitled to recover from the applicant or other owner of the facility an amount which bears to the then value of the facility (or so much thereof as constituted an approved project or projects) the same ratio as the amount of such Federal funds bore to the cost of the facility financed with the aid of such funds. Such value shall be determined by agreement of the parties or by action brought in the United States district court for the district in which the facility is situated. "NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL

"SEC. 309. (a) The President shall appoint a National Advisory Council on Supplementary Centers and Services which shall—