Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 1.djvu/324

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[84 STAT. 266]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 266]

PUBLIC LAW 91-268-MAY 26, 1970


[84 STAT.

Public Law 91-268 May 26, 1970 [S. 2999]

D.C. Anatomical gifts.

AN ACT To authorize, in the District of Columbia, the gift of all or part of a human body after death for specified purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and HOVM of Representatives United States of Amenca in Congress assembled,

of the


1. (a) As used in this Act, the term— (1) "bank or storage facility'" means a facility licensed, accredited, or approved under the laws of any State for storage of human bodies or parts thereof; (2) "decedent"" means a deceased individual and includes a stillborn infant or fetus; (8) "donor"" means an individual who makes a gift of all or part of his body; (4) "hospital"" means a hospital licensed, accredited, or approved under the laws of any State and includes a hospital operated by the Ignited States Government, a State, or a subdivision thereof, although not required to be licensed under State laws; (5) "part"" includes organs, tissues, eyes, bones, arteries, blood, other fluids, and other portions of a human body, and "part" includes "parts""; (6) "person"" means an individual, corporation, government, or governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, or association or any other legal entity; (7) "physician"" or "surgeon"" means a physician or surgeon licensed or authorized to practice under the laws of any State; and (8) "State"" includes any State, district, Commonwealth, territory, insular possession, the District of Columbia, and any other area subject to the legislative authority of the L'nit^d States of America. (b) Sections 1 through 8 of this i\.ct shall be knowai as the "District of Columbia Anatomical Gift Act". SECTION

Short title.


SEC. 2. (a) Any individual of sound mind and eighteen years of age or more may give all or any part of his body for any purposes specified in section 8, the gift to take effect upon death. (b) Any of the following persons, in order of priority stated, when persons in prior classes are not available at the time of death, and in the absence of actual notice of contrary indications by the decedent, or actual notice of opposition by a member of the same or a prior class, may give all or any part of the decedent's body for any purposes specified in section 3: (1) the spouse, (2) an adult son or daughter, (8) either parent, (4) an adult brother or sister, (5) a guardian of the person of the decedent at the time of his death, or (6) any other person authorized or under obligation to dispose of the body. (c) If the donee has actual notice of contrary indications by the decedent, or that.a gift by a member of a class is opposed by a member