Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 1.djvu/418

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[84 STAT. 360]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 360]


PUBLIC LAW 91-297-JUNE 30, 1970 "Salary class and group

[84 STAT.

Service step

Class 8: Group B, master's degree $14,800 $15,175 $15,550 $15,925 $16,300 $16,675 $17,050 $17,425 $17,800 Group C, master's degree plus 30 credit hours ., 15,190 15,565 15,940 16,315 16,690 17,065 17,440 17,815 18,190 15,580 15,955 16,330 16,705 17,080 17,455 17,830 18,205 18,580 Group D, doctor's degree Statistical analyst. Assistant principal, senior high school. Assistant principal, junior high school. Assistant principal, elementary school. Assistant principal, vocational high school. Assistant principal, Americanization school. Assistant principal, health school. Class 9: Group A, bachelor's degree. 13,880 14,240 14,600 14,960 15,320 15.680 16, 040 16,400 16,760 Group B, master's degree _ 14,660 15,020j 15,380 15,740 16,100 16,460 16,820 17,180 17,540 Group C, master's degree plus 30 credit hours 15,050, 15,410 15,770 16,130 16,490 16,850; 17,210 17,570 17,930 Group D, doctor's degree.-.. 15,440 15,800 16,160, 16,520 16.880 17,240 17,600 17,960 18,320 Assistant director, food services. Class 10: Group B, master's degree... 14,095 14,445 14,795 15,145 15,495 15,845| 16,195 16,545 16,895 Group C, master's degree plus 30

credit hours Group D, doctor's degree Assistant director, audio visual instruction. Assistant director, subject field. Assistant director, adult education and summer schoolSupervisor, elementary education. Class 11: Group B, master's degree Group C, master's degree plus 30 credit hours Group D, doctor's degree. Assistant director, practical nursing. Class 12: Group B, master's degree Group C, master's degree plus 30 credit hours _. Group D, doctor's degree Chief attendance officer. Clinical psychologist. Class 13: Group B, master's degree.. Group C, master's degree plus 30 credit hours Group D, doctor's degree Psychiatric social worker.

14,485 14,835 15,185 15,535 15,885 16,235 16,585 16,935 17,285 14,875, 15,225 15,575 15,925 16,275, 16,625 16,975 17,325 17,675

13,670 14,005 14,340 14,675 15,010 15,345 15,680 16,015 16,350 14,060 14,395 14,7301 15,065 15,400, 15,735 16,070 16,405 16,740 14,450 14,785 15,120' 15,455 15,790 16,125 16,460 16,795 17,130 13,200 13,525 13,850 14,175 14,500 14,825 15,150 15,475 15,800 13,590 13,915 14,240 14,565 14,890 15,215 15,540 15,865 16,190 13,980 14,305 14,630 14,955 15, 2801 15,605 15,930 16,255 16,580 12,080 12,456 12,850 13,235 13,620 14,005 14,390 14,775 15,160 12,470 12,855 13,240 13,625 14,010 14,395 14,780! 15,165 15,550 12,860 13,245 13,630 14,015 14,4001 14,785 15,170| 15,555 15,940