Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 1.djvu/499

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[84 STAT. 441]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 441]

84 STAT. ]


SEC. 4. The Commission shall have authority to accept in the name of the United States grants, gifts, or bequests of money for immediate disbursement in furtherance of the functions of the Commission. Such grants, gifts, or bequests, after acceptance by the Commission, shall be paid by the donor or his representative to the Treasurer of the United States whose receipts shall be their acquittance. The Treasurer of the United States shall enter them in a special account to the credit of the Commission for the purposes in each case specified. FUNCTIONS

SEC. 5. (a) The Commission shall have the primary responsibility for developing or recommending overall plans for, and advising the appropriate governments and agencies on, the policy set forth in section 2. In carrying out that responsibility, the Commission shall— (1) advise the President and the Congress on the implementa- J^'^'^^'^^il^d tion of national policy by such statements, presentations, and congreTs.^" reports as it deems appropriate; (2) conduct studies, surveys, and analyses of the library and v eStudies,. surys, etc informational needs of the Nation, including the special library and informational needs of rural areas and of economically, socially, or culturally deprived persons, and the means by which these needs may be met through information centers, through the libraries of elementary and secondary schools and institutions of higher education, and through public, research, special, and other types of libraries; (3) appraise the adequacies and deficiencies of current library and informiation resources and services and evaluate the effectiveness of current library and information science programs; (4) develop overall plans for meeting national library and informational needs and for the coordination of activities at the Federal, State, and local levels, taking into consideration all of the library and informational resources of the Nation to meet those needs; (5) be authorized to advise Federal, State, local, and private agencies regarding library and information sciences; (6) promote research and development activities which will extend and improve the Nation's library and informationhandling capability as essential links in the national communications networks; (7) submit to the President and the Congress (not later than Report to January 31 of each year) a report on its activities during the pre- congreTs. ^" ceding fiscal year; and (8) make and publish such additional reports as it deems to be necessary, including, but not limited to, reports of consultants, transcripts of testimony, summary reports, and reports of other Commission finding, studies, and recommendations. (b) The Commission is authorized to contract with Federal agencies ^^^"^^^^""^ and other public and private agencies to carry out any of its functions ^" °"*^' under subsection (a) and to publish and disseminate such reports, findings, studies, and records as it deems appropriate. (c) The Commission is further authorized to conduct such hearings Hearings. at such times and places as it deems appropriate for carrying out the purposes of this Act. (d) The heads of all Federal agencies are, to the extent not prohibited by law, directed to cooperate with the Commission in carrying out the purposes of this Act.