Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 1.djvu/809

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[84 STAT. 751]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 751]

84 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 91-375-AUG. 12, 1970

" (d) A civil action under this section may be brought in the judicial district in which the defendant resides, or has his principal place of business, or in any judicial district in which any sexually oriented advertisement mailed m violation of section 3010 has been delivered by mail according to the direction thereon. "(e) Nothing m this section or in section 3010 shall be construed as amending, preempting, limiting, modifying, or otherwise in any way affecting section 1461 or 1463 of title 18 or section 3006, 3007, or 3008 of this title.


62 Stat. yes.

"Chapter 32.—PENALTY A N D FRANKED MAIL "Sec. "3201. "3202. "3203. "3204. "3205. "3206. "3207. "3208. "3209. "3210. "3211. "3212. "3213. "3214. "3215. "3216. "3217.

Definitions. Penalty mail. Endorsements on penalty covers. Restrictions on use of penalty mail. Accounting for penalty covers. Reimbursement for penalty mail service. Limit of weight of penalty mail; postage on overweight matter. Shipment by most economical means. Executive departments to supply information. Official correspondence of Vice President and Members of Congress. Public documents. Congressional Record under frank of Members of Congress. Seeds and reports from Department of Agriculture. Mailing privilege of former Presidents. Lending or permitting use of frank unlawful. Reimbursement for franked mailings. Correspondence of members of diplomatic corps and consuls of countries of Postal Union of Americas and Spain. "3218. Franked mail for surviving spouses of Members of Congress.

"§320L Definitions "As used in this chapter— " (1) 'penalty mail' means official mail, other than franked mail, which is authorized by law to be transmitted in the mail without prepayment of postage; " (2) 'penalty cover' means envelopes, wrappers, labels, or cards used to transmit penalty mail; "(3) 'frank' means the autographic or facsimile signature of persons authorized by sections 3210-3216 and 3218 of this title to transmit matter through the mail without prepayment of postage or other indicia contemplated by sections 733 and 907 of title 44;

82 Stat. 1253,

" (4) 'franked mail' means mail which is transmitted in the mail ^^^^" under a frank; and "(5) 'Members of Congress' includes Senators, Representatives, Delegates, and Resident Commissioners. «§3202. Penalty mail " (a) Subject to the limitations imposed by sections 3204 and 3207 of this title, there may be transmitted as penalty mail— " (1) official mail of— " (A) officers of the Government of the United States other than Members of Congress; " (B) the Smithsonian Institution; " (C) the P a n American Union; " (D) the P a n American Sanitary Bureau; " (E) the United States Employment Service and the system of employment offices operated by it in conformity with the provisions of sections 49-49c, 49d, 49e-49k of title 29, ^s Stat. l u; and all State employment systems which receive funds appro- ^^ ^*^*' ^^^' priated under authority of those sections; and