Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/1137

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[84 STAT. A21]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. A21]

SUBJECT INDEX Conservation Corps, Youth: Page Appropriation for 1987 Establishment 794 Consolidated Farmers Home Administration Act of 1961: Amendments— F a r m ownership loans— F a r m background, exemption of veterans from requirement 1862 Maximum indebtedness, increase-- 1862 Veterans of Vietnam era, extension to 1862 Farmers and ranchers, funds available for loans and grants 1383 Interest on insured loans, tax treatment 1855 Appropriation for effecting provisions. 1493, 1494 Disaster areas, priority to applications for public housing assistance 1758 Loans to Indian tribes and corporations. 120 Constitution of the United States of America—Analysis and Interpretation, p u b lication of revised edition, authorization 1585 Constitution Week, Citizenship Day and, 1970, proclamation 2233 Consumer and Marketing Service, appropriation for 389, 1487 Consumer Credit Protection Act, Amendments: Consumer credit reports, procedures for meeting need for accurate 1128 National Commission on Consumer Finance, final report, time extension 440 Consumer Finance, National Commission on: Appropriation for 1450 Final report, time extension 440 Consumer Interests, President's Committee on, appropriation for.. 47, 402, 2018 Consumer Protection and Environmental Health Services, appropriation for 27, 393, 2005 Continuing Appropriations, 1970 4, 218 Continuing Appropriations, 1971 333, 694, 969, 1893 Contraceptives, importation, interstate transportation, mailing; removal of prohibitions 1973 Contract Compliance and Civil Rights Program, Office of Federal, appropriation for 398 Contracts with the United States: Allied health professions, special projects 1345 Claims, jurisdiction 449 Drug abuse, research programs; training, grants 1386 47-348 O - 72 - 72 (Pt. 2)


Educational institutions, grants for re- Page search on environmental problems. 1313 Merchant Marine Act of 1970, construction of American-flag merchant ships 1018 National Commission on Libraries and Information Science, library needs of the Nation, studies 441 President's Commission on Campus Unrest, research for surveys, e t c - 431 Travel to United States, promotion 107 2 Voluntary family planning projects 1506 W a t e r pollution control, educational training grants; research 104, 112 113, 115 Controlled Substances Act 1242 Administrative and enforcement provisions 1270 Advisory commission 1280 Authority to control; standards and schedules 1245 Conforming, transitional and effective date, and general provisions 1281 Findings and declarations; definitions__ 1242 Offenses and p e n a l t i e s... 1260 Registration of manufacturers, distributors, and dispensers of controlled substances 1253 Controlled Substances Import and Export Act 1285 Amendments and repeals, transitional and effective date provisions 1291 Importation and exportation 1285 Cooperative Research Act: Amendments, Advisory Council on Research and Development, establishment ' 193, 194 Appropriation for effecting provisions- 36, 803 Cooperative State Research Service, appropriation for 389, 1483 Copper, duty suspension, extension 387 Copyright, duration of protection, extension 1441 Copyright Law Revision, hearings on, printing of additional copies 2190 Copyright O ffice, appropriation for 821 Coral Reefs of the Pacific Islands, protection; studies, research 884 Corporations: Commodity Credit Corporation—• Appropriation for 1495 Dairy products, donations to school lunch program, etc 199 Community Development Corporation, establishment 1804 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, appropriation for 390, 1495 Federal H o m e Loan Mortgage Corporation, establishment 452