Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/1171

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[84 STAT. A55]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. A55]

SUBJECT INDEX Mining and Minerals Policy Act of 1970 National airport system plan, cooperation National P a r k Service— Appropriation for 380, 396, 678, Francis Asbury statue, removal and conveyance Golden Eagle Passport, extension of program National park system, administration, authority clarification National P a r k s Centennial Commission, Executive Director Travel in United States, promotion, authorization of funds Volunteers in the P a r k s Act of 1969.National parks, monuments, seashores, etc. See separate title. National Parks Centennial Commission— Books, relics, etc., disposition of Membership National Tourism Resources Review Commission, member National wildlife refugees, designation of wilderness areas within Oil and Gas, Office of, appropriation for_

Page 1876 222 1986 201 410 825 428 1437 472

428 427 1073 1104 396, 675

Outdoor Recreation, Bureau of— Appropriation for 380, 395, 672 Water-based fish and wildlife or recreational projects, Federal assistance 439 P o to m a c River pollution s t u d y 1939 Pribilof Islands, appropriation for administration of 676 Prince William County, Va., jurisdiction over lands exchanged w i t h District of Columbia 1095 Public lands, fire protection, contracts. _ 885 Reclamation, Bureau of, appropriation for 383, 396, 895 Reclamation projects. See separate title. Saline Water, Office of, appropriation for 679 Saline Water Conversion Act, amendments, research program, appropriation authorization 87 Secretary, Office of the, appropriation for 680,900 Solicitor, Office of the, appropriation for 396, 680 Solid waste disposal program, appropriation authorization 1234 Southeastern Power Administration, appropriation for 900 Southwestern Power Administration, appropriation for 396, 900 47-348 0 - 7 2 - 7 5 (Pt. 2)


Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Bureau of, Paije appropriation for 396, 677, 1986 Territories, Office of, appropriation for 380,673 Travel in United States, promotion, authorization of funds 1437 T r u s t Territory of the Pacific Islands. See separate title. United States Fishing Fleet Improvement Act, amendments, construction, remodeling of vessels, etc., subsidy program 307 United States P a r k Police— Retirement benefits, increase 1136 Uniforms, U.S. flag emblem 357 Urban mass transportation projects, cooperation 966 W a t e r B a n k Act, coordination of wetlands program 1471 W a t e r pollution by oil, s t u d y on control 98 W a t e r Resources Research, Office of, a p p r o p r i a t i o n for 396, 679 Wetlands, preservation of h a b i t a t for m i g r a to r y waterfowl and other wildlife 1468 Wilderness areas, designation 1104 Y o u t h Conservation Corps — Appropriation for 1987 Establishment 794 Internal Revenue Codes. For sections affected see Tables 3 and 4 of amendments and repeals in " Laws Affected in Volume 8 4 ", preceding this Index. Internal Revenue Service, a p p r o p r i a t i o n for 400, 873, 1997 Internal Security, Committee on, annual report, p r i n t i n g of additional copies. _ 2191 Internal Security Act of 1950, i m m u n i t y provisions, repeal 931 International Agreements, Foreign Arbit r a l Awards, Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of, implementation 692 International Animal Quarantine Station. establishment 202 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: Financial institutions, directors and alternates, employee benefits 1659 United States contribution, increase 1657 International Biological Program, congressional s u p p o r t 889 International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, a p p r o p r i a t i o n for 1042 International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada, a p p r o priation for 1043