Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/1180

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[84 STAT. A64]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. A64]



Monetary Fund, International—Continued Paee Museum Act of 1966, National, Amend- Page United States contribution— ments, Smithsonian Institution, appropriation for 1861 propriation authorization, increase. _ 1875 Increase 1657 Music Month, Country, 1970, proclamaMontana: tion 2249 Fort Belknap Indian irrigation project, Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act Brown unit, transfer to land of 1951, appropriation for effecting owners 216 provisions 6, 1857 Lake Koocanusa, designation 1871 Mutual Educational and Cultural ExLibby Dam project, Kootenai River, change Act of 1961, appropriation for funds used for fish hatchery facileffecting provisions 36, ities 312 802, 1044, 1061, 1063 Railroad employees, compensation due Mutual Funds, investment companies, to loss of income 1832 standards, technical amendments, Safeguard Anti-ballistic Missile System etc 1413 operation sites, community aid 1224 Sioux Tribe, Fort Peck Reservation, N judgement funds, disposition. 313 Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act of 1966, State school lands exchange for certain public lands 987 appropriation for effecting proviWestern Interstate Nuclear Compact, sions 28, 2006 eligible party 985 Narcotic Drugs Import and Export Act, reMortgage Association Charter Act, Fedpeal 1291 eral National: Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, Bureau Amendment, purchase, sale, etc., of of: insured mortgages 350 Appropriation for 397, 1048, 1993 Appropriation for effecting provisions.. 33, Personnel, enforcement, increased mem37, 1453, 2010 bers of; powers 1245, 1273 M other's Day, 1970, proclamation 2230 Narcotics Manufacturing Act of 1960, reMotor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act peal 1292 of the District of Columbia, AmendNational Academy of Sciences, defoliation ment, redesignation of courts in proprogram by Defense Department in visions 583 South Vietnam, study 913 Motor Vehicles: National Advisory Committee on HandiAir pollutant emissions, establishment capped Children, establishment 177 of standards 1690 National Advisory Committee on OccupaCamper units, excise tax, exemption 1845 tional Safety and Health, establishDisabled veterans, automobiles and ment 1597 adaptive equipment 1998 National Advisory Council on Adult EduFuels, regulation for purpose of emission cation, establishment 163 control 1698 National Advisory Council on Alcohol Low Emission Vehicle Certification Abuse and Alcoholism, approval of Board, establishment 1701 grants 1854 New cars, label to show excise tax percentage rate 1845 National Advisory Council on Child Nutrition, establishment 213 Passenger— National Advisory Council on CompreExcise tax, continuation without reduction 1843 hensive Health Planning Programs: Government purchase, additional Appointment 1307 equipment authorization 879 National Advisory Council on Health Trucks and parts, postponement of exManpower Shortage Areas, memcise tax reduction 1743, 1744 ber of 1869 Multiple Sclerosis Society Annual Hope National Advisory Council on Health Chest Appeal Weeks, National, desigManpower Shortage Areas, estabnation 1588 lishment 1869 Murray Lock and Dam, Arkansas River National Advisory Council on Regional project, designation 1929 Medical Programs: Membership, increase; appointment of Muscatine, Iowa, bridge across Mississippi chairman 1299 River, time extension 312