Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/1191

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[84 STAT. A75]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. A75]


A 75

Proclamations. See separate title. Pase •Executive orders— 'P^ee Protection of 1891 Federal employees, salary schedules Reports to Congress. See Congress, pursuant to Federal Employees Reports to. Salary Act of 1970 198-1 Seals of the President or Vice PresUniformed Services, basic p a y r a t e s - _ 198-3 ident protection from misuse 1941 Executive protection service for ExWhite House Police, renamed Exececutive Mansion and foreign emutive Protective Service; increased bassies 74 personnel 74, 357 Federal P a y C o m p a r a b i l i t y Act of 1970, pay adjustment 1946 President of the United States, Reports to: Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. See Attorney General, law enforcement and separate title. and criminal justice activities 1889 Foreign Assistance Act of 1971, Special. 1942 Aviation Advisory Commission, n a Foreign heads of s t a t e, protection by tional airport system plan 223 United States Secret Service 1941 B a n k r u p t c y Laws of the United States, Foreign military credit sales, appropriaCommission on 468 tion for 1859 Budget, Bureau of the, budget o u t l a y s. _ 405, Foreign Military Sales Act. See separate 406 title. Child N u t r i t i o n, National Advisory Former— Council, study 213 Compensation increase 1963 Civil Service Commission, job evalasenhower silver dollars, a u t h o r i z a uation and r a n k i n g plan 74 tion for m i n t i n g 1769 Commission on Population G r o w t h and OfBce space and staff, appropriation the American F u t u r e G9 for 1447 Commission on the Review of the N a OflBce staff, compensation r a t e, intional Policy To w a r d Gambling.__ 939 crease 198 Defense, Department ' s defoliation proWidow, allowance increase 1963 gram in South Vietnam, s t u d y by Funds appropriated to— National Academy of Science 913 Appalachian regional development Federal agencies, displaced homeowners program 1455, 1985 or t e n a n t s, assistance 1901 Asian Development Bank 12, 1861 Health, Education, and Welfare, DeDisaster relief 379, 1455 part m e n t of, alcohol abuse and Economic assistance 5, 1856, 1983 alcoholism prevention 1848 Foreign assistance 389 Highway Beautification, Commission I n t e r - America n Development Bank_ 12, 377 on, final 1727 International Development AssociaH u d s o n River Basin Compact, time tion 12, 1861 extension 203 International Monetary Fund, United Intergovernmental personnel policy, States contribution 1861 advisory council on 1910 Military assistance 7, 1858, 1983 Interior, Department of the — Overseas P r i v a t e Investment CorpoCherokee Strip, Kans.-Okla., estabration 1857 lishment as p a r k system unit, Peace Corps 11, 389, 1859 feasibility study 987 Social development assistance 1857 Gulf Islands National Seashore, reUnited Nations, twenty-fifth anniview 1909 versary, protection of visiting Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeforeign dignitaries attending 879 shore Advisory Commission 1077 International expositions, Federal recVoyageurs National P a r k, review 1972 Labor, Department of, occupational ognition 271 safety and health standards 1610, 1614 Israel, aircraft sales, authorization 909 Lake Tahoe, Nev.-Calif., study on Military aid program, review 2053 feasibility of a national lakeshore-882 Naval vessels, loans to foreign counLaw Enforcement Assistance Adminitries, authorization 2066 stration, annual, time extension. _ 1888 P a p e r s of the President, organizing M a r i h u a n a and D r u g Abuse, Commisa n d microfilming, appropriation sion on, study 1281 for 822 National Advisory Council on Adult Peace Corps Act. See separate title. Education, annual 163