Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/1193

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[84 STAT. A77]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. A77]



Page International Clergy Week in the Page R and o m Selection for Military Service. 2234 United States 2209 R e d Cross Month, 1970 2215 Designation 4 Save Your Vision Week, 1970 2214 International Education Year 2211 Senior Citizens Month, 1970 2226 Law D a y, U.S.A., 1970 2208 Sheet glass— Leif Erikson D a y, 1970 2246 Adjustment of d u t y on certain 2216 Loyalty D a y, 1970 2224 Extension of increased d u t y 2201 Meats, import limitations on certain 2237 Small Business Week, 1970 2210 Mineral I n d u s t r y Week 2212 Tariff schedules, importation of agriculDesignation 14 tural commodities, amendment 2269 M other ' s D a y, 1970 2230 Thanksgiving D a y, 1970 2260 National Arbor D a y 2228 United Nations D a y, 1970 2240 Designation 200 Veterans Day, 1970. 2253 National Blood Donor Month, 1970_.. 2203 Volunteers of America Week 2219 National Blood Donor Month, 1971-_-- 2258 Weather Service, United States, centenDesignation 1114 nial of the 2207 National D a y of Prayer, 1970 2250 W h i t e Cane Safety Day, 1970 2237 National D a y of Prayer and Thanks W o m a n sufferage, 50th anniversary 2242 giving 2227 Women's Bureau of the Department of National Defense Transportation D a y Labor, 50th anniversary 2232 and National Transportation Week, World Law D a y, 1970 2259 1970 2224 World Trade Week, 1970 2230 National emergency, declaration 2222 Wright Brothers D a y, 1970 2263 National Employ the Physically H and i capped Week, 1970 2244 Product Safety, National Commission on, appropriation for 47 National F a r m - C i t y Week, 1970 2255 National F a r m Safety Week, 1970 2221 Professional Engineers' Registration Act, Amendments, redesignation of courts National Forest Products Week, 1970.. 2255 in provisions 571, 586 National Highway Week, 1970 2236 Project Concern Month: National Hispanic Heritage Week, Designation 888 1970 2241 Proclamation 2252 National Machine Tool Week 2243 Designation 836 Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, Federal. See Federal Property National Maritime D a y, 1970 2225 and Administrative Services Act of National Newspaper Week, 1970 2250 1949. National Poison Prevention Week, and Disposal 1970 2205 Property Management Service, appropriation for 1447 National P T A Week 2253 Designation 887 "Proposed Amendments to the Constitution Relating to Prayers and Bible National Retailing Week 2262 Readings in the Public Schools, HearDesignation 1385 ings Before the Committee on the National Safe Boating Week, 1970 2206 Judiciary, House of Representatives, National School Lunch Week, 1970 2251 parts 1, 2, and 3", printing of addiNational Volunteer Firemen's Week 2256 tional copies 2193 Designation 915 Nineteenth Decennial Census of the Prunes, restriction on importation 2047 United States 2223 Psychologist Examiners, Board of, appointment 1958 Olympic Games, 1976, Presidential welcome to United States — Psychology Act, Practice of 19^^>5 Authorization 3 PTA Week, National: Proclamation 2208 Designation 887 P a n American D a y and Week, 1970 2226 Proclamation 2253 Petroleum and petroleum products, Public Broadcasting, Corporation for, import adjustment 2219, appropriation for 47, 2019 2235, 2257, 2264 Public Broadcasting Financing Act of 1970 888 Pianos, modification of trade agreement concession; adjustment of d u t y 2212 Public Buildings Act of 1949, technical amendments 782 Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 1970- 2231 Project Concern Month 2252 Public Buildings Service, appropriation for 1444 Designation 8881