Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/18

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[84 STAT. xviii]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. xviii]



Public Law 91-350 U.S. courts, contract claims, jurisdiction. AN ACT To provide courts of the United States with jurisdiction over contract claims against nonappropriated fund activities of the United States, and for other purposes 91-351 Emergency Home Finance Act of 1970. AN ACT To increase the availability of mortgage credit for the financing of urgently needed housing, and for other purposes 91-352 Peace Corps Act, amendment. AN ACT To amend the Peace Corps Act to authorize additional appropriations, and for other purposes 91-353 Newspaper Preservation Act. AN ACT To exempt from the a n t i t r u s t laws certain combinations and arrangements necessary for the survival of failing newspapers 91-354 Commission on the Bankruptcy Laws of the U.S., establishment. JOINT RESOLUTION To create a commission to s t u d y the b a n k r u p t c y laws of the United States 91-355 Canal Zone Government. AN ACT To amend the Canal Zone ' Code to provide cost-of-living adjustments in cash relief payments to certain former employees of the Canal Zone Government, and for other purposes 91-356 National Science Foundation Authorization Act of 1971. AN ACT To authorize appropriations for activities of the National Science Foundation, and for other purposes 9 1 - 3 5 7. __ Volunteers in the Parks Act of 1969. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to establish a volunteers in the park program, and for other purposes 91-358 D.C. Court Reform and Criminal Procedure Act of 1970. AN ACT To reorganize the courts of the District of Columbia, to revise the procedures for handling juveniles in the District of Columbia, to codify title 23 of the District of Columbia Code, and for other purposes 91-359 Government Printing Office, special policemen, designation. AN ACT To provide for the designation of special policemen a t the Government Printing Office, and for other purposes 91-360 Federal Reserve Act, amendment. AN ACT To amend section 14(b) of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, to extend for one year the authority of Federal Reserve b a n k s to purchase United States obligations directly from the Treasury — 91-361 Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriation Act, 1971. AN ACT Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971, and for other purposes 9 1 - 3 6 2. __ Washoe Indian Tribe, Calif., lands in trust. AN ACT To declare that the United States holds in t r u s t for the Washoe Tribe of Indians certain lands in Alpine County, California 91-363 Agriculture, marketing orders, paid advertising. AN ACT To amend section 8c(6)(I) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as reenacted and amended by the Agricultural M a r k e t i n g Agreement Act of 1937 and subsequent legislation, so as to permit marketing orders applicable to apples to provide for paid advertising 91-364 Indians, Confederated Tribes of Weas, Piankashaws, Peorias, and Kaskaskias. AN ACT To authorize the preparation of a roll of persons whose lineal ancestors were members of the Confederated Tribes of Weas, Piankashaws, Peorias, and Kaskaskias, merged under the T r e a t y of May 30, 1854 (10 Stat. 1082), and to provide for the disposition of funds appropriated to p a y a j u d g m e n t in Indian Claims Commission Dockets N u m b e r e d 314, amended, 3 1 4 - E and 65, and for other purposes 91-365 Cuba, N. Mex., land conveyance. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain lands in New Mexico to the Cuba Independent Schools and to the village of C u b a 91-366 Gold and silver articles, consumer protection. AN ACT To protect consumers by providing a civil remedy for misrepresentation of the quality of articles composed in whole or in part of gold or silver and for other purposes 91-367 1964 amendments to the Alaska Omnibus Act, amendments. AN ACT To amend the 1964 amendments to the Alaska Omnibus Act



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