Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/182

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[84 STAT. 1512]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 1512]


PUBLIC LAW 91-575-DEC. 24, 1970

[84 STAT.

"5. I n general, the purposes of this compact are to promote interstate comity; to remove causes of possible controversy; to make secure and protect developments within the states; to encourage and provide for the planning, conservation, utilization, development, management, and control of the water resources of the basin; to provide for cooperative and coordinated planning and action by the signatory parties with respect to water resources; and to apply the principle of equal and uniform treatment to all users of water and of water related facilities without regard to political boundaries. 6. I t is the express intent of the signatory parties that the commission shall engage in the construction, operation, and maintenance of a project only when the project is necessary to the execution of the comprehensive plan and no other competent agency is in a position to act, or such agency fails to act. "1.4—POWERS OF CONGRESS; WITHDRAWAL. Nothing in this compact f-hall be construed to relinquish the functions, powers, or duties of the Congress of the United States with respect to the control of any navigable waters within the basin, nor shall any provisions hereof be construed in derogation of any of the constitutional powers of the Congress to regulate commerce among the states and with foreign nations. The power and right of the Congress to withdraw the Federal government as a party to this compact or to revise or modify the terms, conditions, and provisions under which it may remain a party by amendment, repeal, or modification of any Federal statute applicable hereto is recognized by the signatory parties. 1.5—DtTRATiON o r


" (a) The duration of this compact shall be for an initial period of 100 years from its effective date, and it shall be continued for additional periods of 100 years if not less than 20 years nor more than 25 years prior to the termination of the initial period or any succeeding period none of the signatory states, by authority of an act of its legislature, notifies the commission of intention to terminate the compact nttlie end of the then current 100-year period. "(b) I n the event this compact should be terminated by operation of paragraph (a) above, the commission shall be dissolved, its assets and liabilities transferred in accordance with the equities of the signatory parties therein, and its corporate affairs wound up in accordance with agreement of the signatory parties or, failing agreement, by act of the Congress. "ARTICLE 2 ORGANIZATION A N D AREA ((, "SECTION 2.1—COMMISSION CREATED. The Susquehanna River Basin

Commission is hereby created as a body politic and corporate, with succession for the duration of this compact, as an agency and instrumentality of the governments of the respective signatory parties. "2.2—COMMISSION MEMBERSHIP. The members of the commission shall be the governor or the designee of the governor of each signatory state, to act for him, and one member to be appointed by the President of the United States to serve at the pleasure of the President. "2.3—ALTERNATES. An alternate from each signatory party shall be appointed by its member of the commission unless otherwise provided by the laws of the signatory party. The alternate, in the absence of the member, shall represent the member'and act for him. I n the event of a vacancy in the office of alternate, it shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.