Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/554

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[84 STAT. 1884]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 1884]


Ante, p. 1882.

PUBLIC LAW 91-644-JAN. 2, 1971

[84 STAT.

other aboriginal group, if the Administration determines that the tribe or group does not have sufficient funds available to meet the local share of the costs of any program or project to be funded under the grant, the Administration may increase the Federal share of the cost thereof to the extent it deems necessary. The limitations on the expenditure of portions of grants for the compensation of personnel in subsection (d) of section 301 of this title shall apply to a grant under such paragraph. Effective July 1, 1972, at least 40 per centum of the non-Federal funding of the cost of any program or project to be funded by a grant under such paragraph shall be of money appropriated in the aggregate, by State or individual unit of government, for the purpose of the shared funding of such programs or projects. "(b) If the Administration determines, on the basis of information available to it during any fiscal year, that a portion of the funds allocated to a State for that fiscal year for grants to the State planning agency of the State will not be required by the State, or that the State will be unable to qualify to receive any portion of the funds under the requirements of this part, that portion shall be available for reallocation to other States under paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of this section." TRAINING, EDUCATION, RESEARCH, DEMONSTRATION, AND SPECIAL GRANTS

82 Stat. 203.

42 USC 3741 42 USC 3746

SEC. 5. Part D of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Strects Act of 1968 is amended as follows: (1) Section 406 is amended— (A) by striking "in areas directly related to law enforcement or preparing for employment in law enforcement" in the first sentence of subsection (b) and inserting in lieu thereof "in areas related to law enforcement or suitable for persons employed in law enforcement"; (B) by striking out "tuition and fees" in the first sentence of subsection (c) and inserting in lieu thereof "tuition, books, and fees"; and (C) by inserting at the end thereof the following new subsections: " (d) Full-time teachers or persons preparing for careers as fulltime teachers of courses related to law enforcement or suitable for persons employed in law enforcement, in institutions of higher education which are eligible to receive funds under this section, shall be eligible to receive assistance under subsections (b) and (c) of this section as determined under regulations of the Administration. "(e) The Administration is authorized to make grants to or enter into contracts with institutions of higher education, or combinations of such institutions, to assist them in planning, developing, strengthening, improving, or carrying out programs or projects for the development or demonstration of improved methods of law enforcement education, including— " (1) planning for the development or expansion of undergraduate or graduate programs in law enforcement; " (2) education and training of faculty members; " (3) strengthening the law enforcement aspects of courses leading to an undergraduate, graduate, or professional degree; and "(4) research into, and development of, methods of educating students or faculty, including the preparation of teaching materials and the planning of curriculums.